What do Braxton Hicks contractions feel like

edited January 2011 in Second Trimester
I am 28 weeks along and have short episodes where my stomach gets uncomfortable and the upper muscles go rock hard for a little while, do these sound like Braxton Hicks contractions? I always just assume it was my baby turning over or changing position but an aunt recently told me she thought it was Braxton Hicks (she had never heard of feeling the baby roll over). It is completely painless, just a little uncomfortable, and has generally happened a few times a day for the past couple months. I have noticed that when I am stressed out it seems to occur more often.


  • Cramps and tightening. Its to get you ready for real labor. They don't get any more intense and they are irregular. they start about 26 weeks and last until you go into real labor
  • Isn't that the strangest feeling!? They are, in fact, Braxton Hicks contractions, and I am grateful that they are not quite painful, because at 31 weeks, I am having them often ! They are uncomfortable, though, and put me out short of breath. I am happy to know that my body is preparing for labor, for it did not the first time I had a baby, and I ended up 2weeks past-due! I have a feeling, because of these practice contractions, that a late delivery will not be an issue this time
  • Its a ton of pressure like the baby is pressing hiis or her butt against ur belly. They shouldn't hurt until the end of your pregnancy when they become a little more intense to prepair you for labor. Its just your uterous practicing its muscle control. The more braxton hick the easier the labor.... or so I've been told...
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