I hate knowing

edited April 2011 in Single moms
That the BD will go through his life hating me for me keeping this baby. That's all h says to me anymore. "I hate you for doing this" "I wish you would reconsider" "let me just fix this". Its only been one week since he found out, im 11 weeks tomorrow and it feels like an eternity already bc of how he is being. Any other single moms going through this situation where he left bc you got pregnant?


  • I have. Screw him, stick to your decision & enjoy your baby! Who cares what he thinks. You did not ruin his life. Good luck
  • Lots of ladies are going through this. I'm not one of them, but I've seen and heard of too many men doing this, so I sympathize for the mothers. Just forget him and send him child support papers after baby is here. If he didn't want a baby, he should have wrapped it up. Good luck and don't let him get to you!
  • Thank you ladies. It just feels like its the end of the world lol. I know i don't need a man to keep me happy, but i would feel better just knowing he cared. But its obvious he doesn't.
  • Smack him in the happy sacks and tell him to shut the f*ck up! its your body, your baby, YOUR choice. not his. do what YOU think is right. but ignore the hell out of him then get his ass for child support since he is being a sh*thead
  • MY bd wad the same in the begining!! He was very mean to me said I was ruining his life and that he couldnt bare to look at me. We tried working it out but he was still so upset about it he freaked out and said the only reason y I even still talk to u is because of this baby and I dont even want it! It really hurt to hear all of it.. I didbt even kniw what to say or how to act there were times where I thought mabey it would b a good thing if I didnt bring thr baby into an enviorment like that but I am also so against abortion for myself I know some people have very good reason for doing it but I wouldnt b able to deal with it for the rest of my life. So I gave him sometime and he has come around he is a WHOLE lot better with it he comes to dr app and we talk about it alot. Jusy stay dtrong everytging happens for a reason and everything works out.
  • @MommaMoon ... he has no idea how lucky he is to be able to say "oops, I'm a daddy" ... lots of men, like us would do anything for that. Hopefully he'll come around when the idea of fatherhood starts to get more REAL to him. Wishing you the best...
  • my sons dad was horrible. he would actually hurt me at times if I talked about the baby. Wouldn't hold my hand in public wouldn't acknowledge the fact I was preggers never went to an ultrasound cheated on me cause I was "big and gross" ....it was horrible. But once my son was born he took a 180. Im not with him anymore but he has turned out to be a pretty good dad...i hope that your bd comes around and realizes its not about him but about the life your growing inside you! Good luck girl I hope it works out =)
  • @MikeandRonadopt thank you so much. If he doesn't realize, his loss. I wish you and your partner luck as well :)

    @Kelseyjo yea, he used to tell me loves me all the time, not he doesn't. Says he doesn't love me anymore. Doesn't even say goodnight to me. Im keeping strong, and it's his loss, not mine. Im glad yours turned around, I hope mine does too.
  • @mommamoon I hope he turns around. your baby deserves it and so do you! People always told me "a mom becomes a mom the day she finds out, but a dad becomes a dad when he sees his baby"...good luck girl I hope it works out
  • girl forget him if he feels like that then obviously he is not worth ur time or ur care
  • This hasn't happened to me but it happened to my sister. Her bf didn't want to baby and left her. Now his son (my almost 11 yr old nephew) lives with us and he calls him all the time. He has wanted to be in his life since he was 7 years old because he has an awesome personality and he's very handsome. When he was a baby, he didn't want anything to do with him.
  • Just remember it takes two to tango and you didn't do this all on your own. Hold your head high and know your baby is a gift and it is his loss.
  • Dont worry you will figure things out I had an tough pregnacy to but one you deliver you just discover a whole lot more to youu
  • My sister went though the same thing he left her and said if she kept it he would.leave I know its for the best now but she turmed it just don't let a guy make up ur mind :)
  • I just noticed this post was started several months back. Im hoping things are better now and would love an update!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Wow.. what an ass..if my boyfriend would leave me just kuz I got pregnant I would beat him up everytime I seen him ! But that just proves that he isn't a man sweetie, you can find someone way way way better that will love and care for you and the baby. I know you didn't mention it but please don't make a stupid decision and abort the baby just kuz your bd don't want it that would totally break my heart! It would be better to give it up for adoption or keep it :) believe me.. once you get further along and feel his or her kicks and movement you will fall in love and nobody will ever compare to your child. I would honestly choose my baby girl over any man right now and she's not even born yet (got 28days left :) ) but just concentrate on your baby right now and you should talk to him about it some more after all he did part in creating it and it is half of him. and if he still don't want anything to do with the baby then screw him !
  • edited September 2011
  • I just noticed it was several months back too . Hmm... any updates??
  • It all comes down to $ with these clowns!
    I hope ur doing good hun!! I'm a single mom. Jadens dad FREAKED and our newly started relationship fizzled before it had a chance. He adores his son tho, complains about $ but idgaf. :)
  • I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks AFTER we had broke up. My bd put me thru hell those first few months. He told me terrible things and it was just a hot mess. I'm due in 2 weeks and he completely changed. Although we never got back together, we have a great relationship now. He became very supportive and now couldn't be more excited for his baby girl. Everybody is different. I hope that your guy snaps out of it and realizes his actions and words. I just prayed & prayed for him to come around & change and eventually he did. I hope u can have the same outcome!
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