35 weeks pregnancy question

edited February 2011 in March 2011
Hi im 35 weeks pregnant and I have had a uti for over two months and im wondering if it can cause any problems??? And also I'm having horrible pain in my back and stabbing pains in my pelvis and was wondering when I should ask my dr to induce. Shes very good about it. Thanks!


  • With a girl they will induce u at 38 weeks and if its a boy 38 weeks and 4 days my doctor said girls mature/develope faster then boys. I think I might get induced again. I cant sleep at night cause my hips hurt really bad and I have back pain 2.
  • Im also 35 weeks
  • I'm sure ur doc would have told u if it was a big problem since u have had a uti for 2 months now. My sisinlaw had a girl and boy with an infection and they came out healthy! If ur concerned about the pain ur having I would call ur doc to make sure if its ok. If its unbearable maybe u are experiencing contractions. Best of luck and congrats!:-)
  • Same here!!!! I'm sleeping maybe four hours a night! If I walk more than five minutes I get sharp pains :/ I've also been waking up choking on my vomit going everywhere from the horrible acid reflux! I didn't even know I was puking! Im just miserable!! I have to run around every day after my five year old n 2 1/2 yr old. I dont think I can take much more of this!! Is anyone else feeling like this?? I'm just so wore out!! :(
  • Hang on if you can. Induction is almost always the hardest most uncomfortable way to go. Forces your body into labor when its not ready. Makes contractions stronger and you dialate slower. Sucks basicly. I would only take it as a last resort. Its just a few more weeks. Tops. Talk to your dr if your concerned about infections. But if you can hold out I would. Good Luck!
  • They tried to induce me with my first but it just wouldn't work. I have a low lying uterus and it makes carrying my boy so hard!!! :((
  • Hey jessl. Just read your post about having a uti for two months and the pain your having. I'm also 35 weeks prego. I've had a uti since I was about 15 weeks. Started getting the same side pains as u. After trying 3 different meds to get rid of it the sent me for an ultrasound on my kidneys (the pain was lower back just under the ribs) sure enough it was kidney stones and one was slightly blocking causing the constant uti. If its really bugging you look into it. Kidney stones can be very painfull and don't always pass on their own. The uti from it can also cause a blood infection if left untreated.
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