gender myths

edited January 2011 in Second Trimester
So who believes the whole boys have lower heart rate while girls have higher,?


  • I don't really believe in those old wives tales, although they are fun to do, especially if they come out true. My last 2 pregnancies had higher heart rate (140 or higher) and they both were girls. Same with this one as far as hear rate goes, will find out next Wednesday if boy or girl. I've been told that if you crave more proteins and salty foods then its a boy and if you crave more sweets than a girl. My last 2 including this one I loved my sweets, whether it be candy, or cookies, or ice cream. So far they all have been right on, but I don't bet on it being right, its just fun when it does come out right. Try doing the red cabbage test. You take red cabbage and chop it up, boil for 10 mintues and drain, then mix equal part cabbage water with equal part urine and mix. Red cabbage water starts out blueish in color, but after mixed with urine if it turns out pink or red then its a boy, if its purple then its a girl. Its suppose to be based on the PH in the urine or something. I got it off a pregnancy website. Mine said girl, so we'll see. Have playing around with some of these and find out eventually if it was true or not. :)
  • I did a lot of gender prediction tests and they all said I would be having a girl annnd ends up, boy number two.
  • I did cabbage test too and mine said girl
  • I was gonna do inteligender until I heard about the .79 cabbage LOL
  • I did do the intelligender even though I had to pay $30.00 for it, but it was for fun. I also got a girl response on that test. They say there are more boy responses that end up being girls, so hopefully mine was correct. But as long as my baby is healthy I am happy. I already have 3 boys & 3 girls.
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