So I Had My Baby =)

edited September 2011 in September 2011
I was scheduled to have an induction at 38.3wks on September 15 due to the fact that I had gestational diabetes & baby was measuring on the big side. They were saying he was weighing 8.5lbs at 38wks. Well he wanted to come a day before the induction on September 14 at 4:11am. My labor went super fast and was only in intense labor for an hour! I wanted the epideral but it was too late for it. I had 2 nurses deliver my son because the dr didnt make it in time. I went from 4cm to 10cm in one hour & Dylan Alexander was born weighing 8lbs 1.5oz & 19 3/4" long! Hes so perfect & I'm in love :X


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