
edited September 2011 in Ages & Stages
My daughter is only 4 months old (on the 30th) but I ask for future reference...she loves her paci (she is picky and will only use the one from the hospital) I don't plan on taking the paci away from her anytime soon but I was just wondering when is the appropriate time to take it away or what are some "signs" its time for her to give it up??


  • I say before a year, the longer you wait after that the harder it gets to take it away.
  • @brittbeck so around the time they wont need a bottle anymore?
  • once you start introducing solid foods i would say start trying to wean her off of it idk if thats too early though im not planning on using a paci
  • We took my sons away just before his first birthday. It was easier than we thought it would be.
  • My son is the same way, only likes the hospital paci. Any ideas on how I can get another one?
  • @mommysierra I didn't plan on it either but the nurses in the nursery gave her one but they told me it also helps prevent SIDS so I'm ok with it plus my cousins baby doesn't take one n he is a cry baby like big time I watch him while she is working only way he sleeps is with a bottle daughter only uses hers when she is falling asleep or if she gets fussy in the car...she can take it out n put it in by herself she is a very good baby hardly ever cries only when she is fighting sleep..
  • when baby teeth start coming in I would say is a good time but every baby is different and for some its easy but others its diffucult, so u won't kno till u try but try your hardest before 1yr!

    @yayal0vesy0u target and walmart sells them
  • My son is 15months and still has his, I have no plans on getting rid of it until he is 2. He LOVES it and its nice for me too!
  • It was around 18 months I'm pretty sure. He didn't use it often except for bed and naps. I thought I was going to have a hard time taking it away but he did really well. We didn't have hardly any issues of him going to bed without it. It is a pet peeve of mine when kids are talking with a paci in the mouth, so I wanted to avoid doing that.
  • My son is 2 months old and refuses a pacifier, has since day one. Everyone keeps telling me to keep trying to get him to take it. But I think he's better off without it. What do you guys think?
  • I don't use a paci at all. Everyone that watches her or holds her always asks for one but I refuse. She self soothes just fine. I actually had ppl but them for when they babysat and I got into it with thm. Grr. But with my younger brother he was off his by 9 months. He self weened with his.
  • @pregojenn if he won't take one, don't force it. The only reason I would attempt to convince a baby who doesn't want it to take it is if they are soothing buy thumbsucking. That is a MUCH harder habit to break.

    You should attempt to get rid of the pacifier by 1, but honestly, it's easier said than done. When my daughter turned one, we made her pacifier a bedtime only thing. She could have it for naps and bedtime and no other times. That way, it's less likely to interfere with speech development and their teeth coming in. We fully took it away from her after 18 months. I wanted to make the transition from the crib to a big girl bed before we took it away. And honestly, I think it was harder for me than it was for her!
  • well then it might not be that difficult to wean her and she may wean herself once she learns other self soothers
  • I took my sons away at 9 months.. it was super easy. I plan on doing the same with my daughter.
  • My son was 2.
    But we had some medical issues, and he met his dad at 1. This weird man taking him 2xs a week was hard. He couldn't seem to calm himself. Being in the hospital was bad too. But once he was off, he was good to go.
  • my sons like that too!! he only likes the paci from the hospital haha thats funny babies.
  • I took my sons at a year old . But my daughter is 15 month an refuses to give it up lol but I only give it to her a nite time she's not picky she will take any kind as long as its a binkie!! It's totally up to u wen to take it away :)
  • im planning on taking her off it between 8 months and 1 yr
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