belly time

edited September 2011 in Ages & Stages
My 3 month old does not like tummy time. I will get on the floor wit her and talk to her, put toys down so she can see them, I even let her fuss for a couple minutes just to try getting her to get used to it. she will lay on your chest and lift up her head just fine though, but she's started using her arms to help her lift up a little more but I want her to start doing that on the ground for crawling and rolling over.
Any tips/advice/stories to share?


  • Lol my son hated it!! He would scream and throw up every time we put him on his tummy on the floor, he was just content to lay on his back and never move lol. He wasn't really content on his belly until 6months or so and he started sitting up and crawling at 7 months, after that he even started sleeping on his belly and at 2 & 1/2 yrs old he still sleeps on his belly shouldnt force it, let her lay there to get used to it but dont let her get too upset just keep trying everyday and she will eventually start to like it :)
  • @gsmommy well that's good to hear! The only thing I was concerned about was her beck strength but she can hold her head up good. I guess just hearing other people say I should do more tummy time with her made me worry a litte. Ill just keep trying every now and again
  • I didn't do tummy daughter hated it. She will be 4 months 3 she rolled over to her belly now she can roll back to belly, belly to back and will do tummy time now I just got to let her roll to her belly on her own lol she wants to do as much as she can alone
  • @ARand89 how did she end up rolling? My daughter will go on her side sometimes but hasn't fully rolled. I'm a ftm and just don't know what to do or think about any of my daughters milestones.
  • Lol I'm a ftm too..sadly I missed the first time she actually rolled to her belly, her daddy was watching her while I slept in..she would roll to her belly in bed..but if your daughter is rolling on to her side then soon she will be able to roll to her belly! I cried when she rolled for me, tears of happiness and a little sadness happy she is learning things n growing but also sad because she is growing so fast :(
  • @ARand89 I'm hoping she will roll soon! Its something new and exciting. I was so happy when she started smiling. But yes its craxy how fast they grow.. thank god for camera phones haha
  • I know I take pictures every day and have her on video rolling over my first time seeing her do it..when she does it I put her arms under her so she can hold herself up to strengthen her arms for crawling..when I do that she scoots herself a little bit :) and I give her lots of praise and tell she is such a big girl! She loves that
  • You could always put her in a wrap on tour chest upright. It still promotes back and neck strengthening.
  • We would still put her on her belly for a few minutes everyday. Finally at 3 months she didn't mind it. And now at 4 months she's rolling around and sleeps on her belly. My co worker told me to get one of those mirrors so.they could look at themselves. Never did lol but u could try that
  • @ARand89 I've started putting her arms under emily too so hopefully that helps. Her legs are strong enough cuz she kicks like a horse! Ha

    @Bahamamama4828 we have ababy bjorn or however you spell it I need to start using it more. She loves being held outward and now her neck is stronger so it will work better.

    @kayleigh27 yea we just got her a mirror and are onl doing a couple minutes at a time on her belly. Hopefully things start getting better!
  • My sons just turned 3 months and hes the same, he throws a wobbley everytime I try giving him tummy time.
  • @mummy_2_be19 yea it sucks ha but we are doing tummy time a couple times a day til she gets fussy and everytime she goes a little longer! So hopefully she will like it soon
  • My son HATED tummy time. Around four months he started rolling from his back to tummy then he started playing a lot. At five months he started crawling.
  • @Misty2011 did your son roll totally on his own or did you do anything to help
  • Totally on his own.

    He was laying on his floor mat thing that has toys hanging, and I guess he decided that was boring. Lol
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