swaddling newborn/infant

edited October 2011 in Ages & Stages
How long should a newborn be swaddled? At about 2 wks I stopped completely swaddling her and just did under her arms and below because she likes her arms out-by her face. Well tonight she is wearing footie pajamas and she's sleeping great with no blanket. She's so peaceful and not moving around so much like she normally does with her blanket. Is this ok to let her sleep like that? I'm a ftm so unsure....


  • Oh let me add that she just turned one month and sleeps with me on the bed.
  • My son is 15 wks and still has to swaddled.
  • My daughter is 4.5months and still gets swaddled its the only way she sleep for longer then an hour at a time.
  • Swaddling is just to make them comfy, so if shes peaceful without it, then good deal.
  • Every baby is different. My first son li ed being swaddled ...slept longer that way. With this kido its different ...he sleeps better without being swaddled
  • Every baby is different, some like it some dont. You dont need to swaddle if you choose not to there are no ,risks or problems with it so just go with the flow and what bubs prefers
  • It's good for babys to be swaddled for as long as possible.. Infants are suseptable to hip displasia so the tighter the swaddle the better
  • @mamapalmer that's not necessarily true. They still should be able to keep their legs in the "froggy" position or you'll risk interfering with development of their hip joints.
  • Mine hasnt been swaddled since we toke her home
  • yes my baby hates having her hands swaddled i make my baby sleep just like u i dont like blankets she has wareble ones and if its not too cold i let her sleep in a onesie with socks on
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