was anyone elses baby facing..

edited November 2011 in Labor
Was anyone else's baby facing the wrong way when they were in labor? I think it was maybe face down? I can't remember but it causes really bad back labor..jw if I'm the only one who thinks that it hurts more than actually pushing the baby out


  • I'm not sure how my youngest son was facing but I had back labor with him & hell yes it was 10x as painful as regular labor! Contractions not only in your stomach but it feels like a pinched sciatic nerve x2! Unfortunately I think I'm going to have back labor with this pregnancy too (been timing contractions half the day & yep getting the low low back pain- ugh).
  • mine flipped a couple times but went back to anterior during labor
  • My first was facing wrong and I had horrible back labor! Not sure if it was because Idk that though. My son was 9 lbs 7 oz and 23 inches long haha..then my placenta was 15 lbs too. So I had a lot of weight just laying on it. My current midwife told me I could have avoided it some with different positions but walking was not allowed because of how fast my labor progressed
  • Yea my baby was facing up she wouldn't come out they called it OP the Dr put her hand in an turned the baby an she came rite out
  • My daughter was sunny side up. No back labor but I got a 2 degree tear. She was 6lbs 10 oz so I think her being smaller helped things not be more painful.
  • @jessandjay Baby should be anterior (face down) however, sometimes babies are posterior (face up) and it can cause painful back labor as babies head rocks against the mothers spine.
  • Zachary was face up and man did I feel like I was going to die even with my epi. I was screaming and yelling at the nurse to give me a csection. But then they put some other medicine in my epidural and made me lay on my side and I passed out for probably 30 mins and baby had turned by himself and was out in about 5 mins after I started to push. I'm pretty sure him being face up has petrified me from having any more kids
  • My first was sunny side up. yup it hurt. Plus he tore me up ... He came out nose first. The dr tried pushing his head down but he wanted to see where he was going.
  • My son was a "star gazer"!! And Omg from about 32 weeks on.. I had hip and back pain so bad I couldn't walk. My doctor ended up prescribeing me vicodin cuz it got so bad. I also ended up having a c section because of it.
  • My baby faced up then the dr had to turn her
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