JJ is here!!!!!! 16 days before due date

edited November 2011 in Labor
After being admitted in the hospital Friday morning at 4 1/2 cm, contractions started coming more frequently and more intense. My water still had not broken at 5 cm and I got an epidural. I decided I wanted to enjoy my birthing experience and not being in soooo much pain. My water finally broke at 7 cm but I was feeling great thanx to the epi. After about 2 more hrs, it was time to push. With the first push I was so numb I couldn't feel a thing and the nurse had to apply pressure so I could push. After 3 more pushes, my prince Jonathan Jr was born 11/11/11 at 7:43 pm. He weighed 7 lb 3.5oz and is 20 inches. I was originally due 11/27 but I got to meet my man 16 days early.

@mommimisha @irene


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