A facebook page on the dangers of Cytotec :)


  • cant see :( dont have facebook
  • Cytotec, which is often used in an attempt to force labor to begin prematurely (i.e., "induction"), is killing women and infants. It is not approved for use on pregnant women and clearly says so on the label. Yet OB's and midwives involved in hospital birth are using it routinely, and they are not informing their patients of the fact that they, and their babies, might end up dead or with serious and permanent disabilities as a result of this drug.

    "There can be rare but serious side effects, including a torn uterus (womb), when misoprostol is used for labor and delivery. A torn uterus may result in severe bleeding, having the uterus removed (hysterectomy), and death of the mother or baby. These side effects are more likely in women who have had previous uterine surgery, a previous Cesarean delivery (C-section), or several previous births.

    Despite these warnings, the manufacturers of misoprostol and ACOG are pushing for its approval...

    The risk of uterine rupture after a c-section is 1 in 200 births and with a Cytotec induction it is 1 in 20 births - yes, a ten-fold increase..."

    Cytotec is also being used to induce abortions -- and in many cases it is not working, but causing deformities in the children instead. WAKE UP AMERICA!!! This has got to end.
    "This article discusses the dangers of Cytotec. In short, Cytotec is dangerous, the randomized controlled trials for use are weak, it is not approved for labor induction and it is often times administered without the patient even knowing.

    Ina May reviewed 30 studies on using Cytotec (generic misoprostol) for labor induction and found that out of 3,415 births there were:
    14 baby deaths
    25 uterine ruptures
    2 maternal deaths
    2 life-threatening hemorrhages

    The most significant finding in these studies is that most of these women were given the SMALLEST DOSE POSSIBLE (25 mcg). None of these women had scars from previous cesareans either.

    Other side effects of Cytotec include:
    hyperstimulation of the uterus
    uteroplacental blood flow
    uterine rupture (requiring surgical repair, hysterectomy, and/or salpingo-oophorectomy)
    amniotic fluid embolism
    Pelvic pain
    retained placenta
    severe genital bleeding
    fetal bradycardia
    fetal and maternal death have been reported.
    increased risk of uterine tachysystole, meconium staining of amniotic fluihttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifd, and Cesarean delivery due to uterine hyperstimulation

    And here I was talking about how nasty Pitocin is!

    Another thing worth noting is that because it is not recommended for use for labor induction and because the trials for the drug are weak, there is no standard on how to administer Cytotec. Some doctors put it on the cervix, some behind and some give it orally. This is experimentation on pregnant women without consent and knowledge of the risks. By the way, the package insert for Cytotec actually has a pregnant woman with an x through it..."
    Cytotec is Bad Stuff


    "In the United States, a Cytotec induction has become part of mainstream obstetric practice.

    Cytotec - misoprostol - was never approved by the FDA for labor induction. As a matter of fact it was never approved for pregnant women at all...so why is it used on pregnant women? It is done because all doctors know that there is a huge loophole in the drug approval system.

    Indeed, once a drug is approved by the FDA for a specific medical condition and once it is put on the market, there is absolutely nothing to prevent any doctor from using that very drug for any indication, in any dose, for any patient he or she chooses.

    You may want to reread that last paragraph. Actually, we will write it again just for you, please read it slowly and please let this information seep in:
    Indeed, once a drug is approved by the FDA for a specific medical condition and then once it is put on the market, there is absolutely nothing to prevent any doctor from using that very drug for any indication, in any dose, for any patient he or she chooses.

    This process is called "off-label" use and most drugs in the US - about 90% in fact - are used off-label..."
  • @rosiepie ^^^ I copied and pasted from the page for you!
  • happy to help!! :-D
  • Thank you for posting this I am being induced on the 29th & I will be asking what they plan on using and if they say this I well tell them hell no
  • thank you! i was just about to copy paste this for everyone without FB :)
  • Thanks for posting this! My cytotec induction was amazing but I was so mad afterwards because my Dr didn't tell me this info when I asked right as the induction was started!
  • Happy my cytotec induction went smoothly... this info is harsh( scary )
  • i have posted this before straight from the FDA's website as well. if any mamas docs are wanting to use this, and you feel you dont want it, take the FDA's printout to your doc :)
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