I think I may be going into labor

edited November 2011 in Labor
So last night I had some slight spotting and I had been having back pains and having to pee literally every ten minutes so I called my doc and they told me to go to l&d so I went and that checked my cervix and dang was she rough about it but she said I was.a cm.dilated and still only 50%.effaced. Well last might when I got home I started spotting even more heavily and I think I started to lose my mucus plug because it was real gooey and bloody and ask day long I was losing globs of stuff and had brown blood and bright red blood . Well about five hours ago I started to get this pain in my back and pressure in my pelvis.it would last a few seconds then go away. I didn't think anything of it just thought it was bh. bd and I were at dinner so we finished then went to a game store and bought a nother.controller for his game. We got home and played it for a while and that sensation came back and it was happening about every fifteen or twenty minutes or so. I figured I would take a warm bath and relax, well it didn't help they were still coming about every fifteen minutes, so I started timing it and they got to about every eight min and I stopped timing because I wanted to try and sleep. Well I got up to go pee.about.thirty minutes ago and have been siting on the toilet since and I have had about four what I'm guessing are contractions and they seem to be getting more intense and I feel like I have to poo. Does this sound like early labor to yall?


  • Sounds like it to me. How far along are you?
  • funny thing is ive been feeling the same as u explain, except i started with the 15-20 min apart cramps last saturday and went in to l&d concerned on tuesday night and they told me i was as well 1cm 50% effaced. ever since saturday ive been losing pieces of my mucus plug but still no bloody show but everytime i get a cramp i know i have to pee and usually poo and then more of the plug comes out. i think its just my cervix dilating. my back has also been killing me! ive only been drinking water and im hoping on my dr appt on monday they tell me ive dilated more. good luck though and one thing i would mention to ur dr is the bleeding, as far as i know it shouldnt b anything more than pinkish or brown when u lose ur plug...no consistent spotting, but correct me if im wrong.
  • It's the early phase of labor, wait till the contractions are so bad that you can't get out of bed on your own then it's time to go to the hospital.
  • I'm at the hospital now.I'm thirty nine weeks. The.contractions were about five minutes apart. They are monitoring baby because his hb drips after each contraction. They may have to do am emergency c.section
  • Hopefully his heart rate will get normal!! Good luck momma!!
  • Oh, i hope everything is ok. Good luck. I hope your holding your baby now.
  • Hope you are having success over there in l&d . Labor dust your way...
  • Had my beautiful baby boy at 951 am cst he is 6lbs and 14 oz and 16 inches long. Healthy as can be. Had to have a c section.
  • Im glad you had him safe. Wishing you a fast recovery.
  • Congratulations
  • thank you ladies he is just amazing I've neve r been happier than I am right now holding my baby. I've been in horrible pain for hours but as soon he touches my arms the pain vanishes
  • edited November 2011
    Congrats! Hope u have good recovery :) his tinny but as long as his healthy thsrs all that counts was he measuring that small on ur ultra sounds
  • He was measuring normal. But I'm a.very small girl too his dad want very big either. He is healthy hasn't wanted to eat yet just sleep. They did say he has a heart murmur but they think it's going to go away tomorrow. Heart problems run in my family and thank you :) @jules
  • See I think I might be the same because I'm only 4ft 11in and now that I'm with only 3 weeks left just hit 107 pounds so I think my baby should be pretty small but u never know.... I'm sorry about the heart murmur I will defiantly pray and I'm sure it will go away if thats what the doc thinks.
  • Thank you yeah as long as he is healthy it's all good. I was born at 6lbs 8oz. So he's not much bigger than I was. I'm sure his murmur will go away because we never heard anything in the womb
  • My daughter who is now 5 was only 6 lb when born and also had a murmur but it was gone with in the first two weeks. Congrats :D
  • @mylittleman2011.thank you. I just can't get over how beautiful he is. But it's still so surreal. Has anyone else felt like the baby they were holding wasn't theirs? Not like the hospital messed up or anything but by like just the feeling that any baby could actually be yours? I breast fed today for the first time I have such insensitive nipples I had to keep looking to make sure he was on there. He latched real quick no real issues I'm just paranoid I wont be able to produce like my mom. I am so scared shirtless right now and I have no idea what I'm doing. Sorry I'm rambling it's 315 am and I just woke up. God c.sections are painful ;(. Although I'm sure vaginal would be hurting just as much just a different area. Ok end of ramble.
  • Just keep letting him suck for as long as he wants. By the time I left the hospital my milk hadn't come in and I had completely quit producing colostrum and had to give my lo formula. After he would eat he would act still hungry when I burped him and although I wasn't producing I just let him suck. I'm now only breast-feeding he occasionally gets formula so its possible to bf just let him suck or eat as long as he wants. There are great support systems here for breast-feeding. Talk to lactation consultant at hospital I made the mistake and didn't so I had a harder tine feeding. The first few weeks will hurt. Use lanolin cream often it helps. Hot water helps milk come in faster. Or heat in general helps. Nipple shields work wonders if your nipples start cracking or are too sore. I had a vaginal birth so no tips on your c section sorry. Relax motherhood is amazing and scary for everyone. And I also felt like it was unreal when brody was born. I still feel like its unreal and its been a month. :) congrats mamma enjoy.
  • @samantha thank you, I talked to one of the lactation consultants and she was completely unhelpful. I have another one coming tomorrow so hopefully they will be helpful. I had my first bit of pain during bfing today he was kinda fussy and gassy it wasnt too bad so I'm hoping it stays that way. I love my lo so much I'm going to try and add a pic if my phone will let me. Dang won't let me. But yall can go to foreverlifestyle.com it's the website my dad designed specifically for babys pics.
  • Hes beautiful. Great complexion too. Congrats. Good luck breast-feeding. Sorry my last post rambled so much it was a late night feeding with my son. Lol.
  • @samantha thank you :X haha it's all good I had something to read while feeding mine ;) turns out I'm a virtual milk factory. My milk came in last night and little boy is living every minute of it
  • Lol that's awesome. Breast-feeding is great. My son loves it as well.
  • Yeah you know how most babies lose 7-10% of their birth weight before leaving the hospital, well my son has lost only 5%.and has already started gaining it back because he loves to eat so much @samantha btw where are you from? If you don't mind me asking
  • That's good. My son struggled with weight gain at first but he is making up for it now lol. I'm from Washington state. You?
  • That's good that he's making it up. I'm from texas
  • Oh yes. The cluster feeding and growth spurts are hard. All he wants to do is eat lol. What part I used to live in tyler briefly.
  • I don't think its cluster feeding its more like he just doesn't want to Stop or sleep. I live in dallas @samantha
  • My son was jaundice so he slept a lot. I had to wake him to feed him. Now he doesn't sleep at 5 weeks lol. Is this your first?
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