My hunnybunny is greedy..she likes to eat...& she hates "binkies"...

She's been over-eating & spitting up...

Any suggestions about stuff I could give her to satisfy her "munchies"...besides bottles?

She's freshly 3 months old.


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  • Lol my baby will over eat n spit up also n cries when his bottle empty but we adjusted his formula n he can only handle 6 oz he just greedy! I can't wait to give him food also!
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  • After 6 months when she has teeth & has success with baby food
  • Have u tried rice cereal yet?
  • edited December 2011
    I started giving my daughter Cookies at 6 months old, and I still sit with her and watch her carefully... She's almost 7 months old... Just incase lol
  • My doctor said rice cereal at 4 months
  • Thanks ladies...

    She gets so grumpy...&...I hate to keep over-feeding her until she throws up!...

    I just needed an idea or 3...LOL...I asked my grandma and apparently they did things differently in the Mesozoic Age!

    ...lmfao...she thinks babies drink water!...uuy...my poor Mom...

  • @Hot2Cold87

    How'd you "adjust" the formula?
  • my.mom wants to give my bby water also!! uhmmm no!!
  • I gave my baby 2oz of water today.
  • Nothing wrong with babies having water
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  • Lol that's funny.about your grandma!! Things were so different. My grandma told me they used to make binkys out of a wet cloth and sugar! They called it a sugar tit lmao. They also gave babies sugar water at bedtime. Crazy!!!
  • @starrxoxo9- lmfao @ "sugar tit". Haha
  • Water is fine.. they just advise to not give it kuz it will fill them up on empty calories. I mean the baby is only human and is guna get thirsty for something other than milk.. don't be scared of water, plus it helps wonders when they are constipated :)
  • If baby not full from what you are giving her u add an ounce or two more if baby can drink does extra ounces then u make all the baby bottles at the new size sometimes they just need a lil more milk
  • How much formula are you giving her in the "main" bottle?
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  • I thought my daughter was over eating but she wasn't. She just was a baby that spit up but now she hardly does it.
  • My pediatrician said to buy rice cerial and put less than a teaspoon in her formula it would weigh it down Sib she won't spit up and jeep her fuller longer she was constipated for the first few days but once she got used to it she was so much better good luck
  • edited December 2011

    I give her servings of 4oz. per bottle. If she's still hungry, I'll serve her another 4oz. bottle; of which she drinks an oz. or maybe 2oz. (If we have the luxury of breast milk..I don't waste it..LOL..that stuff is like gold!)

    ...I expect her to eat no more than 6oz. per feeding, taking into account the fact that she's growing. However, lately...she's been fighting to drink the 2nd bottle til its empty...I think its because her mom has her "nipple-whipped"..lmao..

    Whenever she pouts, or whimpers or cries a little...her mom pulls out the tit...like a glock 17...hahaa...and this...is why my baby is greedy!...I think...because she tries to fall asleep with the bottle nipple in her mouth. I try to switch it to a "binky" when she's dozing off...but...nope!...she'll wake up and drink more...lmfao!


    I spend every day with my daughter and have done so, since she was 1 month 10 days...before that...I'd split time with the mom..and 6 of 7 days...I'd be in company with the baby. I realize how important bonding time is. It's given me a chance to know the difference between her cries...and when she's BS'ing...LOL

    The 4 major cries are:

    1. Hungry = frantic, upset, flustered red-faced cry...85% chance of tears...100% chance of tears if she's off of her feeding schedule. (usually if she takes a long nap)

    2. Sleepy = agitated, fussy cry that turns to elongated groans...the sleepier she gets!

    3. Wet or CACA Diaper = uncomfortable cry, that progressively gets louder if there is no quick response...she hates dirty diapers..and only potties in fresh diapers..this sometimes sounds like hunger..if I'm in another room...but, there are no tears..unless..it takes me a while to comply with her calls.

    4. Bullshit cries = whines and whimpers..yells and screams...those cries are for things like being picked up or wanting to be greedy or worst of all...my baby gets angry if you don't do what she wants...LOL...so, something as simple as a diaper change in public, can go bad very quickly!

    Lastly...there's the only cry that freaks me out...

    When she's scared or hurts herself...omg...this one kills me...its an abrupt cry...from 0 to 10 volume, instantly....and its as if she's seen the devil!...she scratched herself the other day and...I couldn't figure out what was wrong...omfg...I almost had a stroke!...I figured it out when I saw the blood...lol

    ...so, the subtle nuances of being a dad or just fathering a child...are the dichotomy of my resolve, as a parent. I notice every bump on her face or knot in her hair...her eating habits or any change in them..I notice how she smells, how she likes the temperatures of her milk..or bath water..what makes her poo runny..LOL...shit, I even pay attention to what my BM eats...cus, sometimes her breastmilk gives the baby the runs...if she's had formula all day.

    ...lol...I'm on it


    ..hmm...simple answer...LOL...works for me...

    ...however, I do think its gross as HELL...when she spits up...and re-eats it!...hahaa


    ...show me where that info about water for infants is..she's 3 months next week...I'm afraid to give it to her.

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  • And addressing rice cereal...I'll try it next month..

    Thanks mommies!

  • @october15baby

    Yeah...I figured she'd be eating more than 4oz. it just varies..and I worry when she eats more than 6oz.

    Her doctor said don't worry...but, fuck that...LOL...that doctor just met my baby once.. : D

    And don't put too much pressure on your BD...lol...I'm old...divorced and just really happy to be a dad..I felt like this was my last go...so, I pay close attention to my lil'hunnybunny...and when her brother is born...I should be even smoother!

  • You can mix about a tsp of rice cereal in with a bottle of formula now. Or you could always find a thicker formula and see if that gives her a fuller feeling. Lmao at "tit whipped"
  • @second_time_mommy7

    I can try it now, @ 3 months?

    ...a heaping tsp or leveled off?


    "tit-whipped"...lol...funny, but not funny...hahaa...it makes for long days!...I can tell already that her mom is gonna let her get away with homicide!

    Thanks for the tip...


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  • @Mama_Kat

    My "hunnybunny" is apparently spoiled...she has the audacity to "fuss" if, there's a slow stream of breast milk from her moms boob!...and she'll trash talk me if I'm taking too long to feed her!

    I'll toy around with the amounts that I feed her..I just worry when she forces herself to eat 8oz. then...spits up 2oz. of what she's eaten...lol...guess I'm a bit over-protective.

    Anyways, Mama_Kat...

    ...be on the lookout for my next baby..he's due in 8 weeks or so...


  • @Mama_Kat

    ...so, about 4 months is the consensus on feeding solid food?...

    I made her mom oatmeal with fruit & honey.. this morning & I touched a drop of honey on my babys tongue...she salivated so much!...she sucked her tongue like crazy!..

    I know baby food is gonna be a mess!
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