teen planned pregnancy

edited December 2011 in Teen moms
What do you think about teens trying to get pregnant?

Ive seen so many girls in high school trying to get pregnant. I was pregnancy my whole senior year, and it kept me from doing my senior activities. I wouldn't change it for anything, but it wasnt the easiest thing to do. I had my son in March and graduated in May. That short amout of time I got no sleep, still had to manage passing. (Which, I managed the whole school year with A's and b's)

I just dont see why people would purposely make getting their education harder.



  • I agree with you! And congrats on finishing your schooling!
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  • Lol way to be on top of things @mama_kat
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  • Yep i know someone who had their first kid(an accident) at the age of 14. She never took care of him. always left him in the care of her grandmother or mother. she then turned around and had another kid at 16 so the guy would 'stay with her' needless to say that didnt happen. some girls do make it happen and have a great life( i know a few that are doing great) but odds and statistics are way against them
  • @bigbelly thank you. :)

    @homebirthadvocate Money is always an issue. There's a girl that graduated with me and has a baby that was planned, and she's on Medicaid, wic, and her dad pays for all the diapers and stuff for the baby. That's not fair to her dad.

    @kendylsmommy Chris and I got pregnant in June and our two year anniversary was in July. It was not planned. But atleast we were together for a while. I've seen girls dating guys for three months and decide to have a baby with them. Dating for three months, you hardly even know the person.
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  • Why care? It's not your life, so don't worry about it.
  • i compleatly agree, i got pregnant in the middle of my junior year of high school (UNPLANED), it was and still is hard. i cant do any of my serior year as i had planed. i had to go into a homeschooling program through my highschool so i could take care of my daughter like i needed to. im about to graduate in about 2 months, ahead of my class but its just still not easy. i think theas girls that want to get pregnant at this time need to b handed a 2 week old for abour a week n see if they still think they can handle it all by themselvs, just my opinion.
  • @bentleysmommy716

    It's just a post. If you dont have anything to say, why comment?

    You know, you don't have a be a bitch about everything. Just because you planned your pregnancy doesn't mean you need to comment.
  • I'm 20 & I think that's young lol I don't know how teenagers do it but to each their own. I think in no way should teenagers be planning to get pregnant so early.
  • @bentleysmommy716 your always so denfensive I it's ok for people to have opinions on teen pregnancy. As they do about smoking weed while pregnant & so on...
  • I wasn't being defensive, just asking a question. She's said something about this on pfa before so I was just wondering why it bothered her so bad if it's not her life and doesn't affect her...
  • @homebirthadvocate yep. Some adults are bad about planning a baby they can't support. I would love another baby in a few years, but I'm not going to get off my birth control until were set.

    @Acw104 in two months? Congratulations. I agree, they should be given a baby and see how they handle it.

    On the Steve wilkos show, this teen wanted a baby and he gave her one of those fake babies, and she didn't do to good. she was screaming at it in the middle of the night and stuff. She ended up changing her mind about having a baby. Lol

    @txmommy93011 Im going to be 19 in February, and people always tell me I'm young. It doesn't bother me though. Chris and I are doing everything for Braiden and Braiden has a good life, so I know were doing great. :)
  • @bentleysmommy716

    I asked on here for opinions because not everyone here is in pfa.

    And, I was reminded of the whole thing this morning while I was talking to a friend.
  • Okay just wondering. And yes, I'm one of those who planned my pregnancy. Not behind my boyfriends back, with him. He wanted Bentley just as much as I did so it wasn't a whole "I did it to keep my boyfriend" thing. And I think we're doing pretty well. Yes we've had our struggles, but every couple and family does. Taylor pays his bills himself, I'm moving out soon, and we pay for everything for him. Besides his grandparents spoiling him lol. But we've never had to ask for diapers or food. Which isn't wrong. People struggle. But we haven't had to. I'm on wic and medicaid, yeah. But how many people who aren't teenagers are on those? I see nothing wrong with it.
  • I was a teen mom and tried my hardest to make it, it is def hard. I dont agree with planned teen pregnancy because 95% of teen moms are still in school, live with their parents, ect.
    @BentleysMommy716 cut it out girl. Acting the way you have been lately, doesnt help prove your case. I mean people have opinions and as long as they are expressed respectfuly its ok, doesnt give.you a reason to jump down her throat because ultimately you are a teen mom and life isnt perfect and you seem very defensive lately.
  • I'm sorry, but my last comment was in no way jumping down her throat. I aske her a question. I didn't cuss at her or call her a name. So nothing needs to be cut out?
  • @Misty2011 I got pregnant at 19 lol but as soon as I turned 18 I got married. I had a miscarriage right before that it was unplanned pregnancy & quite a shock when I found out I was pregnant lol we waited 2 years to be financialy stable & plan this pregnancy. & that's all that matters as long as yoir son is taken care of. :)
  • @bentleysmommy716 how long were you an Taylor together before Yall decided to have a baby? I understand the whole "I wanted to give a baby a better life than I had" but why didn't Yall wait until you were out of school? I'm on wic and Medicaid too, I'm not way downing anyone that's on it. But people that planned a baby, that knew they wouldnt be able to support the baby all by themselves, I don't think its right.
  • We weren't together for long, no. But there are tons of people get married or have a baby soon after starting to date. When you know it's the one, you just know. Taylor has already graduated. And I'm doing online school for my diploma. But we support Bentley and give him the love and attention he needs. So I see nothing wrong with my situation. He's a happy and healthy baby and I couldn't have asked it to be any other way.

    This is just a side note, technically Bentley wasn't completely planned. First we were trying. Then I realized that I would like for us to be married first. So we had talked about getting engaged on christmas. We weren't using protection but were weren't trying anymore. We had a ring picked out already and then I missed my period for 3 days. Took a pregnancy test the day after thanksgiving and it was positive so we look at it as it was meant to be and we were happy about it.
  • Married first and it just be him and I for a while*
  • I don't agree with teens planning it. That being said I have so much respect for teen moms who decide to keep and take care of their babies because abortion seems to be too common and easy these days. To all the teen moms working hard for their babies, great job!
  • Just to throw this out there. If one isn't using protection, you are trying to have a baby. Even if in your mind you aren't.

    I think the last thing teenagers need to be worried about is having babies intentionally. The transformation from teen to adult, getting on your own two feet, going to college, figuring out life is hard enough. There's plenty of time later in life to start a family.
  • No, lots of people don't use protection not trying to have a baby? Lol.
    Half of unplanned pregnancies are from them not using it.

    But to each their own :)
  • Im 18 and ttc I had been trying since I was 15 its not all bad
  • I completely agree with @yourstruly. Although each situation is unique trying to conceive a child while you are still a child depending on government assistance is reckless. Those services are there in case you need them not to do your family planning with. @bentlysmommy716- you really need to grow up. You make a nasty little comment and then try to sugarcoat it like you weren't being rude. Maybe you should listen and try to learn something from people who have just a little more wisdom than you than constantly making excuses for peopl who don't really care. You don't know everything at 17 sweetheart.
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