The things kids say

edited January 2012 in Daddy's place
My three yr old just told my husband that he was the best mommy in the whole world....gotta love her


  • My 2 yr old likes to yell poo poo out the front door at people walking by lol
  • Yesterday our 4yr old called her dad a 'monkeys ass'. I just about fell over from laughing. I know i shouldnt have laughed but it was just too funny. I have never heard the word ass come out of her mouth b4. I hope i dont hear that again. I have no idea of where she could have learned it. It was pretty darn funny tho because shes just the sweetest, littlest thing. :)
  • Lol, funny! Reminds me of when my daughter was in kindergarten, her friend, for being 5 had huge feet! So one night her dad and I were talking and I happened to say how big this girls feet were...didn't think anything of it. The next day I take Amaya to school and we walk in and my daughter Amaya says extremely loud..."mommy, Neha's feet aren't THAT big!" Needless to say my face turned crazy red bc parents are there and her teacher. I def try to watch what I say around her now;)
  • Just tonight my cousins 2yo was singing to my dog "your a baby mama." He was trying to say baby baba but it kept coming out baby mama. Flippin hilarious.
  • My 4yo "Mommy, how do you spell DS?"
  • @Steph_Due_101611
    I have had that convo so many times, so I say D S, no mom how do you spell it, sweetheart that's how you spell it, no mom its a word and I want to know how to spell it. :)
  • My son is 4 and just started preschool on the 4th so he keeps trying to write things now. @Heather3rdgirl
  • He was playing with a Super Man and Batman action figure, and he made Batman call Super Man "Turkey Tits". He also told me one night when we got home late and the power was out that he believed it was the beginning of a zombie apocalypse haha. He's 5 and a half, by the way.
  • We were driving home from the grocery store today, and I must have said something my 4 y/o didn't like because he says "daddy, 'm-o-m-m-y' needs to go back to bed when we get home." Little turd spelled it so I wouldn't know what he was talking about. Haha
  • Omg lmfao at all of these!! @lilsugarsmomma turkey tits hahahaha!!!!!
    @rtmommy Omg that's too funny!!!
  • edited January 2012
    My now 14 yr old when he was about three said very loudly in walmart my her butt is sooo big.... Poor woman she must have been like 500lbs and most of it was in her butt, I said sorry and quickly went to the other side of the store.
  • Lol you have to love kids. Well after I finally got my 2 year old potty trained, she was still in the potty spirit.. so I went to the bathroom, she was standing in front of me saying: yay yay mommie you did it.. yayyyyyyy. She went running to my husband and said: yay mommie poopoo
  • edited January 2012
    LMAO @RTMommy that is hilarious!
  • @Janet_2011 your story totally reminded me of what my son did... we were at a department store and I had to use the rest room so I took my son in the stall with me and he says, without any volume control, "mommy you pooping a nugget??" I say, "Shh...I'm just going pee pee." Conversation continues... So I get done and he wants to flush the toilet. As the toilets flushing he says, and again with no volume control "bye bye poopie"
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  • These r all cute funny stories lol
  • When my son says "movie stars" he pronounces it "boobie bars" it is so funny!!
  • My little brother told me(5) if I went to clubs I was going to hell because God doesn't go to the club! Lol! He was SO serious!
  • @Jewlieuh omg lol, your story made me laugh. I imagine the precious looks on the people next to your stall
  • my son is 3, 4 in april and he was constipated for 2 weeks a while back well...i gave him some miralax and after 3 hours he literlly shit all over the floor and the walls and it was runny poop everywhere. he waddles into the living room and yells "mommy, mommy, look!! i cant believe it, it just came right out my butt!!"
  • @Kristaf22 omg I am still laughing because of your story.
  • My 5 year old nephew fed a bite of mashed potatoes to his 1 year old cousin and said "Did you like that you little bastard?" What made it really funny was he was being all sweet about it, like he didn't know he was saying anything wrong.
  • @drgonzo523 lmao too funny!! Gotta love the kids!!
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