Anal ease as teething relief??

I just heard that Anal Ease works wonders for teething. That being said, does anyone on here swear by it, or would you ever try it?

I'm just curious, it sounds crazy to me LOL!


  • I don't think I'd ever try it knowing its really ment for the back door...
  • Anal ease is like 100xs stronger than orajel..probably not a good idea for a baby, but i've have heard it works great for tooth aches.
  • There is a butt nummer? (Ddidnt know how to spell it without writing number (#))
  • O.O never knew that existed lol
  • I wouldn't dare use it. Its way way way stronger then orajel and you already have to be careful with orajel. Make sure they don't choke and stuff if their throats go numb.
    Why would you use something designed for external use, orally, and on a baby???
  • Haha when I first read the title I was like that's gotta be a typo lololol
  • I won't try it, it just made me :-? And :/
  • edited March 2012
    I wouldn' Dr even told orajel isn't good to use bc it actually hardens the gums which can make it more painful. He recommended just teething ring.
  • Lmao I have that stuff! But I'm definitely not using it on my sons mouth knowing its for my behind!!!!!!
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