
edited May 2012 in Ages & Stages
My lo has been pretty fussy the past 2-3 days, he hasn't been sleeping that well, he has a low fever of 100, and he's drooling a ton. Could that be teething? He's 6 months old. He's miserable and I feel so bad for him. All I've been doing is holding him and rocking him and tryng to comfort him.


  • yeah my daughter was 6 months when she got her 2 bottom teeth and she was fussy at night and she had a fever of 103. shes 10 months now and she has 3 more teeth coming in so she is teething again.
  • i gave my daughter Motrin
  • My daughter is going threw the same thing right now but she is 7 months. I have been giving her ibuprofen.
  • Awe sounds like teething check babies gums to be sure . Orajel is great and there is lots of other natural remedies a oregly told me about teething tablets they r natural (:
  • That's how my son has been lately. It sounds like he's teething. Are his gums swollen? I use hylands teething tablets and when he's in a lot of pain I use tylenol at bedtime.
  • Thanks @everyone! He's gums don't appear to be swollen but he seems better when i just rub them. I gave him a dose of ibprofen before bed. i read that to much orajel can numb their throat and mess up the gag reflux, making it easy for them to choke. i did rub a tiny drop on his bottom gums tho
  • So...i bought some teething tablets today. i pray they work cuz i don't think I'll survive another sleepless night. I'm completely drained.
  • @Sophiasmom11 thanks. his gums are a tad swollen. he's happy as long as I'm holding him :(
  • TEETHING TABLETS AREN'T WORKING :( He's still wakinh up every 30 minutes to an hour. I've made him a dr appt for tomorrow to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection or anything else.
  • @sophiasmom11 yes, i actually tried last night cuz my mom suggested it. that's what konda makes me think its more than just teething...since nothings working
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