face down in the mattress ahhh

edited May 2012 in Rolling Over
Since I stopped swaddling my lo she has started rolling over in the night onto her tummy and she lays there face down in her bed! freaks me out and I get almost no sleep now cuz I'm constantly checking on her and I can't move her cuz she either moves right back or wakes up. I have an angelcare monitor but still...


  • Yeah, isn't that scary? When my lo started to do that I would turn her over, but i now realize that she will turn her head if she couldn't breath. I still touch her leg or something for movement just to make sure.
  • Ya she'll move her head most likely...I always tickle naliyahs foot no matter how she's laying down lol
  • Keegan has slept like that for months. She'll turn her head from side to side and lay on her cheeks sometimes, but majority of the time she's face down. idk how she sleeps like that.
  • AJ has slept on his belly since he was two wks old. I tried his back untill he was 2 wks old then we tried his belly and he actually slept.
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