:( my hb is so lazy

Ok im the one that is pregnant and my hb sleep all day ...i can believe that he still asleep at his time is almost 11:40am and i have to do all by myself i mean cleaning, take care of the baby and cook >:p im so mad


  • Why don't you take turns on who gets to sleep in? My fiance and I do that. Every weekend we each get a day to sleep in. On saturdays, I get to sleep in as late as I want. :) I love saturdays!
  • I actually told him to do something like that bc i have diferent squeduels of work everyday bc i work i a hotel but he just say im sorry im tired...im so pissed off bc this is both responsabilities not just mine
  • Today is my first day off since 6 days and he was off yesturday and i was the one that have to get to wake up to make the breakfast to our girl and to clean
  • I wouldn't give him an option then. I'd hand him baby and tell him to go take care of her while sleeping in. That you each take turns so it's fair! No way in hell I could or WOULD put up with that. I guess I've just been lucky in that area.
  • Yes but i dont know why he's acting like this bc with first he allways help but i think. things change
  • My husband its the same way. He told me I could sleep in Sunday but then he didn't get up til noon
  • they are so unfair with us
  • I thought I WA the only one. I work, go to school, and take care of the house and baby. I'm so sick of it!
  • It was like that for us until he lost his job last yr. He was on unemployment for 6 months and took my role (well minus the 40 hr work week) even without working he saw how hard it was and I was pregnant and working...he didn't even have to work! Sometimes they take it for granted. Now we switched roles I got laid off and he works..so I do most stuff around the house but he does try to take the kids out on a Sat so I get me time.
  • Men only do what we allow them to do.
  • Not at all with talk a lot about this...so he have to cooperate bc is not only me is both works
  • They have to cooperate bc being pregnant is a big responsability and take a lot of time so we can take care so the baby born healthy but they think this is easy
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