i just found out that

edited July 2012 in Babies
My baby is such a huge bully!

He has always been so sweet and my friend's 11month old twins came around the other day (girls) and he was being such a bully taking their toys and pushing them. Of course I got onto him but I had just never seen that side of him. Then today my other bestfriend came over with her youngest daughter (20mo) 4mo older than him and she started taking away all him toys and pushing him around he got fed up after a while and started bullyinh her too. Where did he learn how to fight for toys? I have no idea!


  • I thought mine was the only bully. Whew now i dont feel so alone lol. Maybe just a phase.
  • Its actually normal. Really just a phase. I read about it the other day.
  • That's crazy hope he learned that was the wrong thing to do...
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