Any one else's little one..

edited August 2012 in Babies
Stick their fingers down their throat to make them throw up? My son will be a year old tomorrow and started doing this a couple days ago and seems like its always when we are in the car. Not sure what to do.


  • My LO did this when she was a few months old. She'd always gag herself. She eventually stopped.
  • She has to the point of gagging a couple times but never vomited. She doesn't do it anymore (1yr)
  • I hope he gets over this over this quickly. I did ask the doctor and she said its normal. He thinks it's funny when he does it then gets mad about having it all over him. Atleast he likes getting a shower.
  • Yes omg!!! She doesn't throw up but she gags like crazy!!! It drives me nuts!!
  • I babysat a three year old who did thst to make himself throw up so he didn't have to eat his dinner. It was so freaking nasty.
  • My 10 month.old does this then laughs ugh drives me insane.
  • Atleast I know I'm not the only going nuts with this.
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