pregly opinion needed

My knee gave out yesterday. Its not swollen to bad. But very very sore. Depending how I'm standing it feels like its going to do it all over again. When I was in middle school/high school it happened a couple times I chalked it up to play softball. This is the first time in years. I don't have health insurance so I'm hoping if I rest it it wilk feel better


  • Take s Tylenol for any swelling, rice: rest ice compression elevation. If these help, its just a strained or sprained muscle. If it continues to hurt id have it checked out.
  • After a soccer incident my knee would always give out and I just suffered through the pain and then I tweaked it really bad once and went to the doctor who referred me to a knee doctor and turns out I tore my ACL and Minicus when I originally hurt my knee and was in surgery a week later. It sounds like it is your ACL or Minicus you should get it checked out.
  • If you aren't pregnant, an NSAID is the best for inflammation, ibuprophen, naproxen etc. Knee problems are the worst because they rarely ever go away. :(
  • Ya my knees are bad to from sports and I'm only 21 damn it
  • @natashalynn @kyliemommie @captivated @skysma

    So I've been resting my knee since I hurt it. It feels better just a tad sore. I'm going to continue on resting. If its doesn't feel better in day or so. I'm going to make appt with a doctor.
  • Good glad to hear it feels a lil better hope u recover soon momma
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