This is not much but it's my birth story..

edited August 2012 in Birth Stories
So July 15th I went into the hospital complaining about severe pains that I have been having for a couple of days they said nothing was happening i wasn't even dialated I went home still having bad pains in my lower abdomen and lower back so on July 17th after going through a couple more days of the same pains where I couldn't sit down longer then 10minutes or lay down longer then 10minutes without being extremely uncomfortable (walking didn't do much cause after 20minutes to a hour they'd come back).

Ok so on the 17th of July i went in for a clinical check-up the doc checked me and said i was 6cm dialated and I had to go in the hospital and that I couldn't go home @-) :-ss So I checked into a hospital not that far from where my check-up was and sat and basicly waited. It took a while for my contractions to get closer i was at 7cm dialated for 2hrs they got closer together after that. The doc wanted me to labor as much as possible on my own once i got to 10cm dialated and got my epidural (this brings up another story lol) I started with my pushing. I was delivering for 3hrs my husband was a great support if it wasn't for him being there I would've caved into a C-Section. (Doctors and their control problems) :-?

So at 3:18am I had my daughter Rubiya Mohamed weighing at 8lbs 11oz 23in I can't remember when she came exactly just going by the docs and my husband and the fact that i remember seeing her 5minutes afterwords :-D im posting more pictures in my profile if you want to see them. She is not almost a month old. :X :X :X :X

Everything went perfectly fine!


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