dealing with depression after having a miscarriage

edited September 2012 in Loss
I haven't been on here in a long time but I'm back and I was currently pregnant with my 3rd child and it ended with me having my first miscarriage in June at almost 4months..... I find myself crying for no reason and being angry...I was just wondering is this normal after having a miscarriage and how did anyone else deal with having a miscarriage


  • Totally normal feelings. I recommend reading the book Heaven is for real by Todd Burpo (I found It comfortIng) *hugs* to you. Many of us here on pregly know how ur feeling and it simply sucks. :(
  • @mommyof3girls thanks for the the hug :* Do u know if I can download that book to my phone.....and it really does suck and my oldest daughter took it hard (she has autism) my younger daughter don't really understand
  • Yes, totally normal! I'm sorry for your loss. I also had a mc at 14 weeks in's horribly painful. There's a support group on facebook if you'd be helps me so much. @babynewyear2012 is in charge of it.

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  • Very normal.... My first mc I literally raged at everything for a while bc I was so angry. I'm very sorry for your loss honey... I know it sucks. And even though I hate the phrase, ill say it anyway... It'll get better. You won't ever forget the love or the pain you felt at the loss... But it gets easier to deal with....
  • @wilsomom I will look into the Facebook group thanks @homebirthadvocate thanks im about to look that book up @redshadoe0 I pray that it gets better because it hurts a lot
  • I went to online groups with other early loss mothers mainly because there were no groups in person around me. It took me awhile to get over mine. I turn on the Tv and babies will be on. Watch a movie and the girl winds of pregnant. Go to the store and there were pregnant women. It was heartbreaking. I was even hospitalized for a week for depression. So find someone who will just listen to u. Hit some stuff, write it down...I'm sorry you have to go through this :(
  • @kayleigh27 I been using music and I read my bible to help sometimes it just feel like the feeling will never go away
  • Of course it's normal! You have every right to be upset and angry. I wish there was something to say to make it better, but it's just unfair that any mother should lose a baby. This life isn't perfect, but know that your baby is in a beautiful Heaven waiting to be reunited with you. So sorry for your hurt... Hugs!
  • @i_believe, it is completely normal, i too have had miscarriages and lost a son at 22 weeks, it does get easier with time. I am also in the group with cheryl. What is your email address. I will get you added. Cheryl knows how to add u but she didnt create it. The group has helped me a lot. Hugs to you!
  • @everyone thanks I'm glad I decided to post on here I always be lurking on here reading post....
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