Quick Breastfeeding Question

edited September 2012 in Breastfeeding
So Archer is a champ at latching on! Problem is at his 4thish feeding (roughly 5-6 hours old) he threw up and choked about 20 min after eating. And several times since both with/without being fed. Still not fussy or unhappy, still latches and nurses like a champ. But the choking is scaring the hell out of me, and the LC said he may be having trouble "transitioning" from birth? Any advice??


  • I just asked my nurse the same question. Troy had been gagging/choking even without being fed for a while. While hack up some white, foamy looking stuFf. My nurse said it was just stuff he swallowed during birth and was normal. To just sit him up and use a bulb to get any out that I could when he did get some up.
  • I'd demand a more thorough answer from your nurse.

    But to me (a mother of two with NO medical training) it sounds like he might of swallowed some air that you missed at burping time or perhaps has a touch of reflux.
  • My son did that too. It looked like he was choking then he would puke. If he was laying down I would just turn him on his side and suction his mouth. Nurse said it was normal. I was terrified he'd do it at night and choke on it.
  • @1stWoodsBaby omg that's exactly what's happening with Archer! He came out crying, so it makes sense!
    @conreeaght oh she explained that it was mucous, basically. Lol I was just wondering if anyone else has dealt with it!
    @OctMommy yes! That's what happened is I had finally dozed off and BAM. Scared the hell out of me and I jerked up. Hurt like crap moving that fast. Lol
  • It is normal. Some babies have dysphasia, difficulty swallowing, at birth and takes a bit more time to learn the "skill". It will pass soon :)
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