No longer nursing

edited October 2012 in Breastfeeding
We are no longer nursing to sleep!! I am so happy I am not the only one that puts her to sleep anymore :) Daddy has been putting her down for over 2 weeks now and she goes to sleep no problem! And the past 2 days for her naps she nurses and I lay her on her blankets on the floor and sit with her until she drifts off :X Im sure we will occasionally nurse to sleep for naps but not for bed time! she just turned 1 a few weeks ago :D


  • Congratulations! Brody still nurses all the time he will be 1 next week. How did you do it?
  • How old is she??

  • nevermind, lol.
  • @Brodysmamma she still nurses frequently through the day like 5 or 6 times. I noticed it was getting harder to nurse her to sleep and it would take so long. and she would push away like she didn't want. so after a few nights of fighting with her and 11pm bed times I said that's enough! daddy took her upstairs and rocked/held her til she fell asleep. he had to do that for about the first week. then he started putting her down in her bed when she was almost asleep. And worked up to now where she knows as soon as she's done nursing she climbs over to daddy and he takes her upstairs and puts her down right away. he still has to stay with her til she's asleep but it takes less than 10 minutes and soon hopefully he can put her down and leave while she's awake :)
    @Caroline8_p lol :P
  • That is awesome and im so jealous!!
  • Keep her bedtime at 11 or change it to earlier?

    Asking cause Malia goes down usually anywhere from 9:30-11, depending on the days activities, naps or no naps, etc. Today, she skipped a nap, so she was tired by 9 (nursing her in bed now). Usually she goes to bed later.
  • She goes to bed between 8 and 9 now! @Caroline8_p
  • Nice! I wish! But hubby gets home at 7-7:30, THEN I make dinner, her bath, then bed.
  • @Sophiasmom11 @trixiesmom8 it definitely wasn't easy! especially trying to get daddy on board to do it every night. he complained all the time until I mentioned it to his sister. she made him see that it was a privilege and a time to bond, not a nuisance! I still can't put her to bed at night though.
    @Caroline8_p whatever works for you then! as long as she and you are getting enough sleep it doesn't really matter what time it is :)
    also, she doesn't sleep through the night so don't be too jealous! She's up at least once a night
  • Malia doesnt either, lately she is stirring more frequently :(
  • Its been about 4 months since she slept through :( I really miss it! But the middle of night cuddles make it worthwhile @Caroline8_p
  • At least she doesn't wake up crying anymore
  • How did you do it?
  • @Trixiesmom8 she was just ready I guess. it was getting almost impossible to put her to sleep nursing. it didn't happen without a few tears though and the first little while took daddy almost 30 min standing holding her til she fell asleep. and then very gently put her down
  • That's how it has been for us, so I was trying to figure out how to actually get her to sleep on her own since she will be 1 on Nov 8th.
  • Sorry I can't be more help! since I don't actually do it myself its hard to say exactly what to do lol even I can't do it!
  • He says also if she tried to get up he would flip her back over onto her back and put her blanket back on. no words. and if she gets too worked up hold her again til she falls asleep
  • Oh no, I will take all the advice I can get, thanks! After she nurses and wakes up being put in her crib, I can rock her and she will fall back asleep, but I don't think I could get that lucky with her not nursing before hand.
  • edited October 2012
    @amab13 it could still work for you if you feel he's ready. I would still be doing it if my lo wanted to but she would only nurse for 5-10 mins then push away.
    @trixiesmom8 what I do for naps is nurse her when I see her getting tired (rubbing eyes) tell her its time to go night night. and (if she doesnt fall asleep) I lay her down on some blankets on the livingroom floor --she sleeps there at nap time its easier for me-- and I put her covers on and sit with her, sing her a sleepy song and rub her tummy or back and also stroke from the top of her head to the tip of her nose (making her close her eyes) eventually she just keeps her eyes closed. I stay for a few more minutes in case she opens them. Today I left her while she was still awake I just told her mommy will be right back you stay there. I went into the kitchen and came back a minute later, then did it again but this time stayed there longer and when I came back she was sleeping :X
  • edited October 2012
    She used to sleep in her swing for naps but one day she refused so she's been napping in her carseat. She goes right in for her nap after she gets her oatmeal around 11am. She will sleep any where from an hour and half to 3hrs. I haven't nursed her for naps in a while. I tried moving her from her carseat to her crib like we do at bed time and she woke right up and didn't want to lay back down. So I don't know what to do, I'm not very good at this transition thing lol
  • When she would take naps in her swing I could turn the music on and swing and walk out and she would go to sleep just fine on her own. In her carseat we have to rock her so I guess its still that swinging motion that works.
  • Oh dear that can't be good for her back :( @trixiesmom8 have you tried starting in her crib and maybe get one of those musical aquarium things
  • Oh only till she goes to sleep like within 5-10 minutes and then we can put her down and she stays asleep. We have one of those aquarium things and she now knows how to turn it off and on so it doesn't do us any good, I've thought about taking it off, but it keeps her entertained in the mornings when she first wakes up. I have thought about nursing her in our bed while laying down and then moving her into her crib to slowly get us going that way..but idk if it'll work.
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