this girl.. smdh

edited October 2012 in First time moms
I know this girl who has a one month old and she feed her cereal last night because the baby wouldn't sleep.. wtf.

This girl is completely clueless and won't listen to any one about any thing. This isn't the first time that she's done something completely ignorant.

And she thinks she has it hard because bd isn't on the picture.. that me and the girl.I know her thru have it so easy because we're married. Like our husbands help soooo much.. she lives with her mom and doesn't even have to get up in the middle of the night to feed her own baby because her mom does it.

Okay.. vent over.


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  • edited October 2012
    I try to cut moms a bit of slack...'cuz I know I'm not perfect. However, there's a difference between an imperfect mother who is ALWAYS looking to improve her parenting and an imperfect mother who is constantly trying to excuse her imperfection (while making ridiculous choices in the process).

    Man, I still feel guilty about the 40 ml of formula I fed my daughter while I was waiting for my milk to come in (she was born ready to eat and wouldn't sleep for 17 hours until I gave her that little bit of formula...). But, my son never had a, I felt like I owed her the same. I think guilt is just part of being a mom though. Otherwise, we wouldn't constantly be looking to improve!
  • At least her baby has a supportive gma!!!
  • @Math_Mommy I know I'm not perfect either, and I don't expect her to get it right every time. But like you said, there is a difference between trying to learn and just not caring. This girl has this picture in her head of how a baby should be, and how her life should be with a new baby in it, and needs a reality check of how it actually is. She's not looking to improve, and she doesn't feel guilty about the things she does because she thinks that that is how its supposed to be. I could go on about the things this girl does, but I don't want to ruin the good mood that I've been trying to get myself in all day, lol.

    @Reneerose0828 I have to give my son rice formula for spit up. Giving it in a bottle is one thing, and in both of OUR cases necessary for our babies. She spoon feed her baby straight up rice cereal at a month old for no other reason than to get her to sleep. And, in your situation, you did a little bit of research (asking your sister, who you trust) for advice first. She doesn't even do that. She sees what her other friends are doing with their kids, and does them with her daughter, regardless of if it is the right time for the baby.
    (PS. I don't want you to feel that I was putting anyone down for formula feeding! Please know that I'm not! I breastfeed both of my kids for only 3 weeks, and then they went on formula. Breast feeding isn't for everyone.)
  • I wasn't trying to bash formula-feeders either! I was just trying to give an example of guilt creating the drive for continuous improvement and the mommies who are doing what's best for lo while constantly trying to do better!
  • I could just have easily said, "I feel guilty about feeding my kids a pre-made pot pie from the bakery when i could have planned a better/more wholesome dinner from our fridge/freezer...If I had only taken the chicken out of the freezer last night".
  • @Math_Mommy ((GASP)) How could you??
  • ^lol! Or I could've said, "I only read to my daughter for like 4 minutes yesterday" (when my son got close to an hour of undivided mommy reading time...because of nap scehules and mommy's b-day....regardless, it kept me awake w/guilt for awhile last night...)

    I think I need to start a thread of bad-mommy confessions!
  • @math_mommy oh, the things we feel guilty about! I feel guilty that I finished decorating my daughter's room (pretty much) before she was born, and my son's stuff is still in boxes.. :(
  • ^yep, sounds about right. Mari is 18 months and still in a crib in our room! (We have 2 bedrooms upstairs...1 is her "dressing room"...but I can't stand the thought of not being on the same floor as both the kids...) Uriah has always had a perfectly decorated, organized and fully utilized room (right across the hall from the one we currently share w/Mari).
  • Well she might have done some research and she could have watered it down a lot so it would have been same as bottle. I mean IM not trying to be rude to yo just don't want to judge and assume since I'm not in her shoes just like I don't want to judge. We all do things differently for different reasons. For example a friend of ours was over couple days ago he has son same age as my daughter. The first thing he said was how his son is not allowed to watch TV BC Scarlett was watching her baby einstine video. Then it was her lunch time and I asked Marquis to get her some fruit. Then he does of I only give our son vegetables so he can like those first. Well I did same thing but she's 10 months now and loves both fruit and vegetables. Then he made comment on how I should give her only organic fruit like he does with his son I would loose that but I do not have the money and I do buy her organic as much as I can when I can. Later on the day when it was her snack time I put some snacks on her little plate where she was playing. Gee went on how he took a class on his own and I need to spread them.around so my daughter can work on her have eye coordination, well at the time I didn't feel like having food all over the floor whileI we have company over. I guess I'm just trying you say that obviously my friend and I do some thing differently but I do my best with what I have doesn't mean I love her less or I'm less responsible and didn't like that he was kinda judging how we do things. In my eyes I don't know how he can leave his kid in day care all day but I didn't say anything.
  • @Jules I've encountered many sanctimommies...apparently now, there are sancti-daddies

    Can I just take a shot in the dark and guess that your friend only has 1 kid?
  • @math_mommy yes is his first and he married the baby mommy but they got divorce already it was less then a year but everything happens for reason and I wish best for him. However I don't appreciate being compared to how he does things cause I know we do our best with what we do have like I said before. And let's just say money wise he has been in much better place never has to worry about it.
  • @Jules I'm pretty tolerant of different parenting styles. But I don't think its right that this girl makes her parenting decisions based on her own needs.. and blatantly disregards anything anyone tries to tell her.
  • Well as far as I see it I can tell people what I heard as far as certain things go but is not my job to make sure they do it unless it's harmful to the child then obviously authorities need to be called in those situations ya know. But I don't like drama and it's something I learned through being a step parent. Another mother might not do or see things my way but at end of the day since there's not much I can do I don't stress over it and avoid the drama lol
  • @Jules oh I'm not gonna get in her business about it, that's for sure. It blows my mind some of the things she does, but there isn't anything I can do about it, so I'm not gonna let it bother me too bad. Just venting a little, Lol.
  • I know how that is I do that a lot. I wish there was something I could do with my step daughters Mom and help her to grow up and be less selfish but it's such waste to even try to talk to her.
  • @Jules exactly how I'm feeling about this girl! Lol.
  • wow it sucks that she would do that, but not to be rude.. theres people out there doing far worst things to their babies now a days, i knew a girl who cereal fed her kids since ever.. her kids are still alive and healthy.. yes is wrong, but theres nothing no one can do about it.
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