she gave my son 4 oz of water..

edited November 2012 in Babies
My mil gave my 2 month old 4 oz of straight water to get him to stop crying. What's going to happen? I know is not super bad, but we have a two hour drive ahead of us.


  • I have no clue. But why did she do that?
  • edited November 2012
    It should be fine, I don't think anything will happen. I was told when Sidney was tiny, that she could safely have 1oz of water for every month of life.
  • Baby will just be full. Maybe pee a bit more then normal. Extra diaper change on the way home. Might be a bit extra hungry a bit later.
  • Older people have this belief.that giving babies that small water is ok, its very annoying. Sorry u have to deal with that.
  • I have my daughter water at 2 months it just makes them have to pee alot that's it
  • My husband's grandmother (76) ALWAYS says when my colic Troy cries "oh he needs some water" .NO he doesn't. Shheesh!
  • If it wasnt boiled it could upset his delicate stomach and give him runny bowels but if it was boiled I wouldent worry :)
  • if it was boiled water then it will be fine! i dont really understand why people say u shouldnt give babies water?! i gave my son water from a few days old! was told by my midwife it was fine because it was so hot when he was born and also sips of water to get rid of hiccups! i dont think u need to worry :-)
  • Nothing as long as it's clean..
  • He 's not fussing, which is mainly what I was worried about, but he has pooped twice in an hour, which is what I figured might happen. I guess he.'ll be okay..

    @leviluv8 she did it because he was fussing because he just woke up and she doesn't like it when either of the kids are crying. I wasn't right there to calm him down and she did n't dig in the diaper bag to find the formula. Doubt she would have known what to do with it anyway..
  • it's ok just empty calories 4 oz is not recomended but just once it will be fine
  • He'll be fine. There is actually nothing wrong with giving water to a baby once every blue moon until he/she is closer to a year old. I've always heard that its ok as long as its not tap water. And all babies in my family drink water every now and then.
  • Babies are humans. We need water specially when its hot. Don't sweat it its fine. As long as its purified its okay.
  • My give my 2 month old 1oz of water once a week and she is just fine and it actually help with her colic i dont have to give her medicine anymore
  • Babies shouldn't get water because it can cause water intoxication. Also causes baby to be full off nothing. But he should be fine with just once. Everyday is not good.
  • Water early on can water log a baby. 1oz here and there wouldn't matter but 4 oz can be a lot. I had this fight with my fil many times! Plus it fills them up and has no nutritional value. At that young everything they consume should have nutritional value.
  • Yes water intoxication is very real!!
  • I am not saying water intoxication is not real but I think it is over hyped up. I don't think people should be scared into not allowing their babies a drink of water. However I didn't give water until 4 months and then it was just lil sips in a sippy cup.
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