When did everyone find out gender?

edited December 2012 in Babies
I found out at 17wks with my son but I am so anxious that if I could go earlier I would. 7 weeks just sounds so far away!! ...just wondering for those who found out before 20wks, at how many weeks?


  • I was 15 weeks 5 days an they sed they could tell me but my baby wouldn't cooperate so I came back a week later an found out
  • Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you the one who recommended first peek ultrasound in oak park to me? If so I went at 16 Weeks with my son and 15 Weeks this time for my daughter :)
  • @graysonsmommy omg that was you?!? I went there twice with my son, at 17wks to find out gender and 29 wks :) That's where I'm going this time around too.
  • My ultrasound tech told me correctly both times at 12 weeks! (Girl, boy). I had it confirmed with my son at 15 weeks and my daughter at 17-18 weeks.
  • @1stwoodsbaby oh wow!!! That's awesome!
  • 19 week with my 1st and 12 weeks with my 2nd and both girls
  • 20 wks with this one 19 wks with my daughter
  • Yea we went twice with my son and twice,this pg we had the 3d done with my son at 29 wks and I wasn't totally impressed so we waited til 32 wks with this baby and I liked them a lot better. They did move locations which I found out the hard way we showed up for our 3d pictures and their office was gone!
  • 12wis 5days with my first got the confirmation at 14wk 5days

    with my second 14wks 6days confirmation at 16wks
  • I was 21 weeks
  • All you who found out early, why did you have ultrasounds at 12 or 15 weeks? Was it at your ob or did you go to an ultrasound place just to find out gender?
  • edited December 2012
    @michelleBelle My doctor does them around 8-9 weeks bc he can estimate the due more accurately +\-3 days compared to +/-10 if done later.

    I have am apt with 3/4d place at 15.5 weeks for gender. I went at 16 weeks with my son bc they didn't have apts available at 14 weeks.
  • Just like a mike North of where they were it's away bigger space now.
  • Mile * North
  • With my daughter I found out at 17weeks. This one I had an ultrasound at 13 weeks she said if she had to guess she would say girl but the baby had its legs crossed. I have an appointment Tuesday to fond out ill be 18 weeks.
  • @char @ExcitedForOctober ok thanks! I want to pay to have one because mine isn't until 18 weeks. I'm dying to know! I have two boys so I need to know if I have a daughter on the way
  • @michellebelle the place I go to only charges $40 for a gender ultrasound as early as 15 wks, just google places in your area. I can't wait to find out either!
  • @michellebelle the place I go to only charges $40 for a gender ultrasound as early as 15 wks, just google places in your area. I can't wait to find out either!
  • I found out at 15 weeks with my daughter and I'm finding out at 15 weeks with this one too, I go to a local Ultrasound place for the gender scan because I'm extremely impatient! Lol
  • I found out at 16 weeks with my son and hoping to do the same with this one.
  • @michellebelle since im high risk i got tons of ultrasounds with each pgncy
  • I found out at 13 weeks through the Jack or Jill gender test. My doctor has been providing this test for i think she said a little over 5 years and she said it has never been wrong. Im expecting a little boy :)
    I have the confirmation ultrasound on Dec.27 and i will be 20 weeks by then.
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