how to get your 1 year old to lesson

edited December 2012 in Babies
I know she is only 1 and she just likes to play but she is turning into a little brat she used to be way better then she is acting right now and nothing seems to work.. Its stressing me out to much and i don't need this stress.. She is constantly hurting me she is breaking stuff and just won't lesson and to make out all worse her dad works all the time including his days off so we never see him unless is for doctors appt or stuff we do with my step mom and her family and when he comes home he complains when i ask him to help me out a little.. So my day consists of a baby that hurts me all day long and don't lesson and a husband that seems to care more about his job then his family (i know its not true but that's just how i feel everyday) and me not being able to do anything around the house because i have to constantly keep an eye in my daughter..


  • How exactly isn't she listening?
  • @ashley_smashley just destroying the place right after i clean it and when i tell her no (and i know she knows what no means) she throws a fit for a sec then goes and does it anyways and when i put it up she always find away to get it
  • edited December 2012
    Kinda depends on what she's doing. If she's just making a mess, say, taking out everything in the Tupperware drawers (my daughter loooves that) then she might just be kind of bored, so try redirecting her to something else. For example, when my lo takes out all the Tupperware and I'm trying to work in the kitchen, I'll take out two or three things that I'm okay with her playing with. I'll play with her for a few moments, to show her how fun it is, and she'll then play by herself. Or I'll give her an actual toy. If she's doing something dangerous, I say no, firmly, take her away. If she goes back to it, I say no again, then we go and sit on the stairs. I hold her and explain why she can't do that, and she's not allowed to leave my lap for a few moments. If she starts to have a tantrum, she has to stay until she calms down.
    It is a lot of being consistent, so she knows what's okay and what's not. She's still pretty young, and will want to explore. So messes unfortunately happen.
  • I can understand her throwing her toys around but its everything else that i don't want her to have
  • You could also try involving her with the cleaning process. My lo loves the swiffer, so when I'm sweeping ill let her 'use' that, she's always so proud afterwards.
  • @natashalyn I have tryed that she just does not lesson she just don't lesson to me but when her dad says something she lessons and thats nut all the time because he works all the time
  • How often do you guys get out of the house? I know when we have too many hermit days that she doesn't want to cooperate with me, but when dad gets home, its aaalll about him. When we go outside, or to a park, a mall, my mils, she's way better.
  • @natashalyn Not very often because i can't drive and i have really bad knees so i can't walk far and now its winter we are in almost all day everyday but i try to go places but when i walk she seems to be worse because she hates her stroller 50% of the time
  • Jack kind of does the same thing. He's just mean. He hits and throws things. Lol. I try telling him no firmly, but he laughs at me and keeps doing it. When he hits, I try taking his hand and rub my face and tell him gentle, doesn't work. I don't know what to do. My oldest never did this stuff. I understand your frustration!
  • @sands3 she don't hit she kicks me in my belly and my back and throws her stuff at me and nothing works.. And I'm worried and is going to hurt the new baby
  • @angelmonkeymelody she definitely wants attention. Do you have mommy and me time with her? Because at this age, especially with a baby at home she will do anything to get your attention. Remember to play with her everyday for about 30 minutes or so. I would say to do it at a time that baby has his/her nap.
  • Jacks hits and throws stuff but we spend about 80% of the day together, playing, reading, going out. He's just a mean fella
  • @angelmonkeymelody I think it just a stage she's in, my 1 year old does the same thing. I think you just need a break. She might need more stimulation, play dance, roll around, color, read.
    I think what you ate trying to say is LISTEN not LESSON...
    Try different things with her, she's just a baby and is curious about her world.
  • Well, u gotta ALWAYS remember that she is ONLY 1. The ladies above had some good suggestions. I agree that maybe make sure u r getting a break once in a while.
  • My daughter is the SAME way. She knows what no means because she looks at me and smiles while she does it like "ha ha mommy I'm not listening." The other day while i was cooking (i was watching her really good) but right when i turned my head she took the plug to the tv out of the wall and tried to put it back in right before she put it in i grabbed her and honestly yelled at her a hit her butt and told her she can't do that that's dangerous then i put her in time out (which is her play pen) i rather scream at her and give her a small snack on her butt than have her god forbid get electricuted. Even tho she was laughing when i hit her and put her in her play pen she didn't ever do it again.
  • Oh and i gave her some toys to figure out like things with velcro, her shoes (she loves to untie shoe strings), some kind of tube with nothing in it like a lipgloss tube washed out (she loves to open that). Because i know she was just exploring but dealing with plugs is a no no!
  • I see it the same as @natashalynn. U have to redirect them at this age, there's not much u can do. She may know what no is but since they don't understand the difference between right and wrong and too young to understand consequences therefore we cant really punish them. Try your best to be patient and play with her and take her out whenever u get a chance and when she's playing with things she shouldn't be just find something else for her play with her for minute so she sees how fun it is. But as far as her toys go if u get overwhelmed from constantly picking up just do it at the end of the night that way she can play with her things throughout the day. Plus try to remember they are in that exploring stage. I know it's hard I'm clean freak but I try to stay light hearted and tell myself she's not doing it on purpose and laugh a lot of it off really keeps me. And if u ever get frustrated it's best to walk away for minute breath . Scarlett gets into everything we do and we just give her something else to play with but also.calmly say no that way with time she starts to understand. Good luck! Stay positive your doing great job :)
  • My 18 month old is the tell her no and she smiles at you and does it again while saying no herself...she continuously tries to eat our dogs food. We try to make sure it's up while she's around but sometimes it just happens but no matter how many times I tell her no or redirect her she'll do it every time. It's frustrating but you'll see in the months to come that she'll start understanding more and more of what you say.
  • Also, check out pinterest for ideas for toddlers. They have a lot of cool activities that use stuff around the house, or stuff you can get at the dollar store. She may just want something more stimulating to play with, and if you guys can't get out of the house too often, making new things to play with in the house might help.
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