19 months & still not sleeping through night... HELP!

edited December 2012 in Sleep
my son has never slept thought the night. he wakes up atleast 2/3 times thougout the nigh, just crying. i usually give him a small bottle of milk, and he usually goes back to sleep (i am aware that he should be on a bottle & he shouldnt get one at bedtime) however, that was the only way i could get him to bed. how can i help him sleep all night?? he has a nightlight that he sleeps with, he falls asleep with the tv on (not my decision)


  • going threw something similar my son well b 14 months and I'm tired its been two days he's been acting out at night sry no help
  • thats so funny, i was just reading ur post. well my son has always done this. but its so tireing. like, he always wakes up between the same times 2:30/3 & 430/5. its like hes set on a timer. & when i was pregnant, i would always wake up at those times. its crazy! it doesnt matter what time i put him to bed either, i feel like the later he goes to bed, the eairler hes up. :-(
  • How about ignoring him when he wakes up? It worked for my Lil guy
  • i try, sometimes hell fall back asleep, but my little brother sleeps in the room too, so i dont want him to wake up. im just so exhausted! like WHHHY lol! @ExcitedForOctober
  • I feel you, my 14mo old only recently started sleeping through the night until we started ignoring him. What we would do is if he stood up in his crib we would just go and lay him right back down and he would fall asleep, its the getting used to not needing a bottle to fall asleep that's keeping them up.
  • I would put only water in the bottle, that usually does the trick. Or if he cries too much with the water, then dilute the milk/formula so it doesn't taste as good. After a few nights he might decide it's not worth it. Lol

    Oh, & if the water works, you could leave a bottle of it in his crib after he falls asleep so he'll get it himself & you can get some sleep. I hope that helps, unfortunately at 19 months it will be hard to break that habit.
  • I don't really give him water.. is that horrible!? he drinks milk & diluted juice..
  • The water won't be worth waking up for is what I'm saying... So if you only give him water at night time then maybe he'll stop waking up for it. Milk & diluted juice during the day is good, I just meant water in the middle of the night.
  • yeah I get it. he went to bed at 6pm, he has woke up to cry every 45/15 minutes.. and it's not like he's awake, he just laying there crying. and if he doesn't stop within a few minutes and like coughs / gags until he almost pukes. ): I'm going nuttso lately. he also been having these horrible temper tantrums the past few weeks.. terrible twos are early. @Wilsomom
  • I swear ur story sounds like mine. today I finally took a long nap boy did I need that. I did give my sob tylenol haven't heard a cry so far I'm thinking he might have pain and tylenol helped
  • I bet he's cutting teeth like @roxy 's son. Sounds like he's grumpy from not feeling good. Hope you get some sleep soon!
  • Yep, I forgot to mention I also did the exact same thing @wilsomom is suggesting about the water.
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  • I'm glad I'm not the only one my son is 17 month and still gets up at least one he gets a sippy cup( with way diluted juice) to go to bed but wakes up if he loses it. If you find something that works let me know
  • My son is 13 months and does the same thing. Only he doesn't want a bottle, he wants to play.. I've tried bringing him in the room with me and all he does is talk and play with his hands.. I've inored him and he will cry non stop till I get up with him.. I have 3 other kids that have to be at school in the morning, so I kind of feel like I have to get up. Not only that I have to be at work at 6 in the morning and I'm 7 months pregnant! I'm tired! :(
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