i have an odd question

edited January 2013 in Babies
I was just changing kynzi butt and i looked at her feet and her pinky toes on both feet the toenail was just flapping around just hanging there.. Is this normal i have never seen this before so I'm confused?!?!?


  • Like the whole toe nail or a piece of it?
  • As long as it's not discolored like yellow or brown it should be ok and is either from tight shoes the was they sit, stand, walk. The reason to watch for the color is infection. If it's not then don't worry about it too much. If you are then just call your doc and just talk to the nurse and explain the situation and maybe they can help more.
  • Thanks @jules it did not change colors we are thinking it was her boots.
    @MommyLovesSparkle on hee left foot it was her whole nail and right it was part of the nail but at first it looked line the whole nail
  • Ya I think she's fine it happened with my daughter but it was her big toes and my sister in law is doc so I showed her and she was the one who explained it to me
  • Ok @jules i was confused mine do that but that's because i have weird foot my 2 end toes are in different places
  • Ya I guess it happens because we can't tell to well if the shoes are too small side babies don't really understand that yet
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