edited January 2013 in Birth Stories
so my mans brothers wife water broke. they rush 45 min to the hospital that there register too. before this happened she got sent home which they said come back she was only 2cm. well there rushing to hospital. she's saying baby's coming I have to push. they pull over at a near store by free way they call 911. there telling him wat to do my brother n law said it was scary. berly n sec before baby came out the fire Dep and ambulance came and delivered the baby I seen the video it was heart breaking every thing went fine they took them to a near by hospital and its crazy cause the birth certificate says (birthplace: freeway thank God every thing went good I'm shock she did it all on her own no pain meds it hurts having a baby on my part


  • Wow. That's amazing. So scary though. I hate when hospitals do that!
  • I know sometimes things just happen but there are too many stories out there like this because the hospital sends someone home. Thankfully every thing went fine and women do know how to give birth but just last year some woman gave birth in a waiting room because the nurses didn't believe her and the baby wound up dying. Why couldn't they have kept her knowing that her water broke?
  • My Aunt had her Baby in a Taxi & my dads friend wife had her son on an airplane. And they were in mexico.

  • @kayleigh27 OMG that's sad
    @NylasMommy OMG so did they get to cross over with baby
  • Oh man you're just full of crazy stuff today. Busy day. I'm glad she ok though was she little early.
  • @jules LOL this was like a week ago just haven't had a chance to share. she was 1 day early
  • oh wow I can't even imagine that. my husband had to do that two times at work since his paramedic. so at least if it was me I would be in good hands. I'm sure she was freaking out for minute. But when its time there's not much u can do.
  • Yes, they were on their way back From a trip. the Baby is just not a u.s. Citizen. he actually came early.
  • I know a lady who had their second in the car. They are pregnant with their 3rd and have decided to do a home birth lol they said screw it, they weren't having that again.
  • @jules that's scary does he get scared. and u are lucky to have him near yea they were all freaking out but they had to focus
  • @NylasMommy that's crazy how r they gonna fix the Citizen ship
  • @trixiesmom8 wow she's a strong women that means no meds right
  • I guess, when the baby is older he can apply. This happened like 15 yrs ago.
  • No he doesn't but some people are that way by nature you know he is always super relaxed. It comes in handy when I gave seizure since I have epilepsy but that's only like once every two years. But then sometimes it's annoying cause he can get too relaxed like when I need him to freak out lol
  • @jules how scary seizures ill freak out
  • it's scary first time but then not too big of deal I guess. that's what he says.
  • I have no idea!! She is a friend of a friend.
  • I agree I couldn't do it.
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