cloth diapering

edited March 2013 in Babies
Does anyone do this? Which brand has been successful for you? Besides the obvious environmental benefits, is it also economical? Would we notice a cost savings with everything that is necessary to buy (detergent, pads, etc)? And lastly, anyone have their child in daycare using cloth diapers? I have an 18 month old who has been using disposables and I an 31 weeks. Thanks!


  • I cloth diaper and have a few favorite brands that I use. So far its somewhat economical for me when I'm not buying cloth dipes. Lol I have an addiction! You don't need to buy a special detergent, just one that is additive free like tide with no fragrance or ecos. I currently use pocket dipes with inserts and brands such as kawaii, applecheeks, AMP, swaddlebees, bumgenious which I hate! Just to name a few.
  • I do, except right now with morning sickness I'm using disposables. I just use prefolds from green mountain diapers & some cheap covers like the Econobum or cheap chinese ones from ebay. I probably have less than $50 invested. I'm not real big into buying all the cute expensive ones, although if I had lots of extra money I might lol. I just stick with the very basic basics & it works for me. I also use cloth wipes, so it definitely cuts down on expenses. I make my own detergent too.
  • We use Pocket diapers mostly oh katys, some others like blueberry and some cheapies if you want to start up
  • try a cloth diaper swap group on Facebook
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