Yogurt left out overnight

edited March 2013 in Food
Would it still be good? It's in an unopened sealed package. I'm thinking because of the way it's made it might be ok but not sure.


  • Not sure but i wouldn't eat it just to be safe.
  • Well I know baby yogurt doesn't have to be in the fridge until after opening I'm not sure what kind ur talking about though. If its fully dairy not like the baby stuff then I would open it look at it smell it but most likely u will see right away that u might not want to eat it especially since u been not feeling soo good anyways
  • If it's found in the cold section at the grocery, and stored in the fridge then no it's not good.
  • Darn, I was afraid ya'll were gonna say that! Lol We missed putting it in the frig after the store the other day. It was kind of expensive, but not as expensive as food poisoning!
  • I left ketchup out last night is it still good?? I assume it was and put it back in the fridge
  • I've left ketchup out before & it was fine. They leave it on restaurant tables all day. @stephforever89
  • Ketchup doesn't need to be refrigerated.

    Dairy left out for over an hour and is warmed above 40 degrees during that time has to be tossed.

    The none refrigerated yogurts have certain preservatives in them so they do not need to be cooled until opened.
  • edited March 2013
    Yes ketchup is totally fine @stephforever89
  • No problem. I worked in a dairy cooler for three years....
    It ducked so much. I have freezer burn on my finger tips from working in the freezers.

  • What kind of non refridgerated yogurt are y'all eating?
  • @LittleFae Ouch, that's no fun! Thanks for the tips though!
    @lilpeapod913 The one I had was refrigerated, so I'm not sure about the non-refrigerated kind. @jules ?

  • Well the baby stuff is not refrigerated like any yogurt u buy that was not in the fridge at the store in first place can be left out in ur cabinet until its opened.
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