post partum bleeding

edited April 2013 in Postpartum Health
how long is "normal" for post partum bleeding? It's been 16 weeks for me. obviously it hasn't been heavy but not a day has gone by that I wiped and didn't get any blood. I'm so sick of bleeding amd wearing pads.
I also got mirena put in eight weeks ago and I feel like I've had what could be three periods but I can't tell since I haven't stopped bleeding since my son was born.
any advice for me? or is this normal? I have an appt on Monday so hopefully I can get some answers but I wanted to check here too.


  • Mirena triggers period on and off for the first 6 months! Then the period goes away for years!
  • Yep! That is from your mirena :)
  • Wow how crazy, mine stopped after like 5 days after having my daughter probably from the birth control for sure. Hope you getsome answers on Monday.
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