what age???

edited May 2013 in Ages & Stages
would you start your child on deodorant?


  • As soon as they start stinking? Cause don't they developing body odors when they start puberty?
  • My nephew is 10 an his mom just started buying it for him
  • Yes once they smell which usually is right before/around puberty. If your kid smells before that I would just do more baths lol
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  • Totally forgot about that stuff. I've never used deodorant. I don't grow hair in my armpits or swear there. Always wondered why.
  • @captivated you LUCKY LUCKY woman lol.
  • I noticed my daughter was smelling so I was thinking hmm maybe she needs some. but I decided to wait after I realized she had just played outside for hours. since then I havent smelled anything so I am just going to wait awhile now. thanks @everyone
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