Ugh I feel like shit!

edited May 2013 in Parenting
I feel like the worst mom ever :-(
Makenzie was taking a bath and she some how slipped while she was sitting in the tub and hit her mouth on the edge of the tub. She cut her upper lip on the inside and her 2 front teeth pushed up into the gums (not all the way you can still see them they just look like they are coming in even though they already have). She didn't bleed long less then 5 minutes but I took her to the ER anyway.
The nurse comes (male 50ish) after we got checked in and what not and he asked what happen. Doesn't wash his hand or put gloves on and sticks his hand in her mouth to look at them (Pissed off number 1)
Then he asks about the bruise on her cheek (she got it at school she hasn't been walking long and is still not always so stable. She fell and hit a toy shelf) I told him this and he looks at me and says "hmm that's a lot of falls"... My immediate thought is that this shit head is thinking that I fucking hurt my kid! So he walks out and I start balling. I feel horrible that this happen and now this dick head thinks I did it. The doc comes in a minute later and asks my mom why im upset she tells him. He checks Makenzie and says she will be ok. Then maybe 5 minutes later the nurse comes back in and says that the doc told him I was upset. I couldn't even look at this guy. He sits there and tells me " Its my job to ask." um yea fuck face I know you have to ask its the nasty ass comment about how she has a lot of falls that pissed me off. Don't assume that I hurt my child. I am sitting here crying with my child who is hurt in the ER if you think I did this do you really think I would bring her here!?
I will never go to that ER again. I will not sit and be accused of hurting my child.


  • I work at a pediatric dentist office and let me tell you what, little kids fall...a lot. You should take her to a dentist to see if the roots of those teeth were fractured. And personally, I think it's really gross that he tried to put his hand in her mouth without gloves on. I hope you stopped him because that's just not sanitary.
  • She has a dentist appointment in 2 weeks. should I move it up?
  • Kids fall. My daughter Ally has fell and busted her upper lip 3 times and she's only 20 months. That guy is a Dick for making you feel like that but its not the ers fault. If you go there again and he's ur nurse just ask for a new one. But frantastic is right bring her in asap if I was you ill call tomorrow and tell them what happened. Don't let anyone make you feel horrible falls happen its how you handle them, and you handle it just like an awesome mom should :)
  • Ive been crying since it happen and I haven't stopped :-( I feel like shit. My poor baby goes through so much as it is *cancer and all* and now her teeth are fucked up
  • @mallery27... Being a parent is hard especially having a sick child I know I've been there my baby girl was in and out of the hospital even ICU for the first 2 months of her life, and sometimes all you can do is cry. Us as mothers cry not only for ourselves but for our babies. It gets better it may not get easier but you'll get tougher. You can only be the best mom by trying so don't ever cry cause you feel like a horrible mom you not and those tears your crying proves it. Horrible moms don't cry for their babies. I bet she will pull through worst case she might get her teeth pulled I know because when I was 2 I took a bad fall and my front teeth turned green so they were pulled, I have adult teeth that are healthy and strong so don't worry you didst mess up her smile and even if they come out she'll still ne a beautiful baby girl
  • Now you don't know they're jacked for sure with out an x-ray. Worst case scenario she has to get them extracted early, that's not the end of the world. But I agree with jewel call the dentist ASAP to get her in and if there is a children's dentist near you I would strongly reccomend going there. Most general dentists really don't know how to deal with small children.
  • When my first daughter was around 2yo and I was 7months preggo my daughter was jumping on the corner of the bed what I told her not to do and I took her off 1, 000000 times well took my eyes for a second she web t right to the floor and landed on her arm took her to the er because she will not stop crying and they all look at me like I was a piece of shit!! She got a fracture and the practically acused me of pulling her arm wtffff!!
  • I know it sucks for them to insinuate that you as a parent did something but at the same time think about all the kids out there who's parents do hurt them and get away with it. Would you rather the ER doctors/nurses not ask or feel out the situation at risk of pissing off a parent? What if it saves a childs life. Sure, you're a good parent but they don't know that, they don't know you from Eve. A coworker of mine knows the couple who the father just put his 6 week old baby in the freezer for an hour because she was crying. When they found her, her body temperature was 84 degrees and she had a broken arm and leg and head wound, look it up in Washington State. Would you rather that a doctor/nurse not have tried to find out what happened to a child like that if something seemed off at a previous appointment and possibly prevented that just so a parent wouldn't get hurt feelings? There are too many abused children and too many murdered children for anyone and everyone to not stand up and try to find out when something even appears slightly amiss, whether it hurts the parents feelings or not . I'm not at all trying to cause a problem I understand how you feel the same thing happened to me when my son hit his head in the dang hospital while we were visiting my new nephew, just trying to give you a new perspective.
  • I couldn't even tell you how many times Jack has fallen and busted his mouth. He fell so hard on the tile floor one tine that he bit the tip of his paci off. You are not a bad mom and don't let anyone make you think you are.
  • Well I know u feel bad but kids fall it will be ok. But the guy was just doing his job they have training in that stuff to look for reactions there are so many abused children I would be thankful for people like him who actually care about the kids and are being safe then sorry. He could have done nothing how would u feel then? My husband being in medical field has to do that all the time and has calls in kids and he can either just take them in to get treated or he can do that but take one minute to question the situation to make sure this child issafe and it was an accident. He knows accident happens we have a little one after all. Plus the guy might not have ment anything bad after all he didn't come out and say did u do this. Or u need to watch your child better. That would have been rude. I know your upset I got upset and was crying the one time my daughter really got hurt. But just trying help u feel better and understand his just doing his job and doesn't mean it personally. I hope she's doing better as well!
  • Like I said I didn't care that he ASKED what happen. It was the snotty ass comment he gave me when I told him what happen " Hmm that's a lot of falls don't you think?" fuck you dude. Im already sitting here in tears because I feel terrible and your going to say something like that to me? Fuck off. (none of that is towards any of you I am still mad about the situation and guy was a dick)

    Anyway took Makenzie to the dentist today and they did an xray. Her right front took is pushed up and is chipped a little. The other teeth are fine. She did say that in most cases the took will work its way back down to the normal spot. Makenzie is fine just sore and super clingy (not like my child at all lol) but other wise fine.
  • He was just doing his job but the comment was not required. In your position I would have snapped a smart remark right back at him.
  • I'm still really grossed out/ disturbed that he tried to put his hand in her mouth with out a glove on. I'd be reporting that to someone higher up ASAP. I'm glad to hear her dentist appointment went well.
  • I agree with @candy101, i would have given him an attitude too. Im sure his job description doesn't include being rude to a worried parent.
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