Too Much ???

So I feel like I am making to much milk lol silly I know. This is my 4th time breastfeeding and boy oh boy he is eating like a pig but I have been pumping when I get engorged. Well I have 40 2.5 oz bags of milk in the freezer already, he is only 10 days old. there such a thing as making to much milk?

@captivated @HomeBirthAdvocate


  • I am not sure but I hope I have a great supply like you
  • Pumping will stimulate more milk production and will cause engorgement. Layoff the pumping or cut back, or hand express. Great job!
  • Definitely with @mijita on this one! Unless you plan on donating or stockpiling frozen breastmilk, cut back a bit. Your supply always explodes around this time and will regulate itself soon.
  • Eh I think it's fine! Stock up! I wish I had that type of stock pile when my supply would dip during my period!
  • I Wish I Had Your Supply I Just Dryed Up But The Most I Got Was An Ounce I Wanted Breast Feed This Time But I Guess Im Not Cut Out For it
  • I probably should have elaborated more. If you want to stockpile then continue to pump AFTER baby nurses. If you don't plan on stockpiling, but are more worried about losing supply, then pump after every other feeding. I had issues with low supply and was determined to EBF. I hired a LC and made it happen. It was a lot of hard work. I nursed, pumped, nursed, pumped, etc. I felt that all I was doing is pumping and nursing. I took a couple supplements and after about 4-6 weeks I started experiencing a lot engorgement and clogged ducts. I stopped taking the supplements and cut down my pumping sessions. I'm proud to say that my LO will be 2 this month and still BF's. You can do it!
  • I forgot to mention that the consistency of milk changes as baby gets older and depending on storage technique, stored milk will only be good from 4-6 months. If you plan on being a SAHP then you might not need such a large stockpile. I know some prefer to be safe and do it regardless.
  • Of course there is. It is called overproduction. What I had. I would pump 20oz sometimes in twenty minutes. If you are pumping after feedings, you are tricking your body to think it needs double the amount of breastfmilk than you truly require. this is great if you are going back ti work and someone is going to feed your child.

    If not, it really isn't necessary to be doing this, as overproduction can be very very painful and annoying. You're pumping after because you're engorged, but you're engorged because you're pumping after! So unless you need such a large stockpile, you can cut back on the pumping. It willbbe painful, but your body will adjust to the proper amount.
  • That's a lot but your very lucky! If I were you I would continue just get more the little bags then start filling up the bigger bags like 6oz then 8oz. And u can then slow down and just do whatever your lo needs but the cool part is u will be able to stop all together and still have lots milk for your lo. I wish something like that happens to me this time with my first I did everything possible and couldn't even produce enough for her :( soo I had to stop all together and switch to formula when she was 6 months I wish I could have gone longer!
  • edited July 2013
    @jules Thanks. Yea that's the plan. I have breastfed all of my babies thus far 4-6 months past a year. I go back to work next week so I'm sure the milk will get used. I also carry my pump with me so if I need it, I will have it. I'm lucky enough to have daycare right on the job site. As well as before he turns 6 weeks my little man can just hang in the office with me.
  • Thats really cool! Ya I think u are blessed with good supply u might as well use it :) I sure hope this time around I get better supply then I did with my daughter so I can save some up too.
  • @jules I haven't ever really had supply issues. However iI have nenever made this much before either.
  • That must be nice!
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