i hurt

I Had My Baby 6 Weeks Ago And Had A Csection ButI Still Feel Like I Was Just Cut Open I Don't Remember This Pain With My First (Well This Long) I Don't See The Doc Tell Tuesday Maybe I Might Have To Change It... Is This Normal?


  • Im not sure that feeling that much pain after 6 weeks is good. I had a c section with my first and felt great after a couple days I was able to go out, climb my stairs, housework and everything. My 2nd is 5 days old I had a vbac and im in excruciating pain its really bad my hips and joints hurt off the scale my vag is throbbing and the stitches from my tears feel like im smuggling a cactus around. I feel like if I would've known how this recovery would've been I might have considered a repeat c section more. But im not sure how a second surgery would've compared for me so sorry im probably not much help but im with u in my second birth is much more painful to recover from.
  • My second c section was actually much better than my first. I was up and moving easier and seemed to have healed faster
  • I don't think that's normal. I'll be 7wks pp tomorrow and i stopped hurting about 5 days after surgery. Before this surgery, i had abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst and my recovery period was the same as my c-section one. You should definitely mention this to your doctor.
    This might also be a reason why you feel so stressed out between your oldest baby and your newborn. I mean they already take up a lot of time and energy and on top of that to be in pain, i'd probably feel the same way you do.
  • Thanks @Perly I Am Defiantly Going To Bring It Up To My Doc Manly Because The Pain Gets Worse EveryDay
  • I was in pain for a full six weeks but not longer than that.
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