Infantino Squeeze Station

edited July 2013 in Solid Foods
Since before i had my baby, i was looking into making his food instead of feeding him Gerber or any other kind of jar food. Well i discovered this squeeze station and decided this is it. This is what i'll be doing for my baby.

Anyone have this? What is your experience with it? If you don't have it but you do make your baby's food, how do you do it? How do you store it? Any tricks and tips you can pass along to me, please do so.
I know its still early, but i want to prepare myself for when the time comes.


  • I just used my food processor. And I would freeze the food into ice cube trays. Then the night before I would defrost in covered Tupperware in the fridge.
  • @ashley_smashley what about when you're on the go?
  • I got the tiny Tupperware (found a great deal at big lots) and just used those. I would take out a days worth the night before, so it was ready. I froze it bc it was easy to buy a bunch of on sale fruit and veg and make a big batch.
  • You might be able to find someone getting rid if a bunch of those Gerber jars...people always hold on to those things.
  • @ashley_smashley that's what i was thinking about too. The station comes with it 10 pouches that are not reusable. I did read on the reviews that you can actually wash the pouches and steam them and reuse them, but im not so sure if i should do that.
    On the other hand, if i don't use the pouches, then i don't need the station because all its for is to squeeze the food into the pouches.
  • Yeah seems kinda spendy for only being single use. I like gadgets that can be multiple like my food processor :)
  • I buy in bulk, steam veggies and fruits, and use a blender and freeze in ice cube trays. Once frozen i put the cubes in freezer bags with contents and date in the freezer and take out what i need each day. I LOVE making is food and knowing what is in it! I also thaw and take stuff in small gladware or tupperware containers.
  • @ashley_smashley @star4221
    At what age did you introduce food and what foods did you start with?
  • I started at 6 months. We started out with puréed veggies like carrots, peas, and fruits like banana, pears apples. Then about a month or 2 in we moved to more of a baby led weaning. So we would cut up food and steam until softish, and let him feed himself.
  • We started at 6 months with rice cereal for a weekto get the hang of it, then carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, applesauce, bananas, plums, pears, peas, peaches, broccoli, spinich, chicken. He is 11 months and we have tried some of the yogurt melts to get him to work on the pinching skills and still is not feeding himself yet but very close. My son prefers veggiesover the sweet fruit for sure so we usually do fruit for breakfast and the others for lunch and dinner.
  • With baby led weaning they get the hang of feeding themselves quicker as well.
  • I have no personal experience but for storing purposes I bought bags specifically made to store breast milk and I would think it would work for that. Plus they have the oz marked and they are so easy to defrost and they come like 60 bags for 3.00
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