potty training

For The Moms That Did Just Straight Under Wait What Did You Do WhenYou Went Places Like The Store AndWhat DidYou DoFor Bedtime? Kynzi Uses PulL Up As Diapers She Goes To The Bathroom Once Every 2 Days But Asks To Sit On The Potty EveryDay But Won't Pee I Got Her To Poop In The Potty which Is A Start


  • I did undies for outside after they where potty trained in the beginning just at home and I tried tostay at home all day and in 1week they where potty trained
  • @2girls_2boys how old were the kids when you did your potty training?
  • My daughter has been doing great...she'll be 2 next month...but hangs out naked most of the day lol..but today was good about pulling her underwear down & back up. As for out in about I'd get a potty travel seat. My son use to freak on big potty chairs! For night..my daughter is still n a diaper.
    Naps during the day..naked or undies. So far so good :)

    With my son think he was pretty good w/underwear during the night but still (he's 6) always make him pee before bed!
  • My first was 26 months second 24 months@jules
  • @2girls_2boys oh ok ya I'm wanting to have my daughter trained before this baby girl is born but she will be turning 2 a week after what my due date is. I'm hoping she can pick it up but might need more time. I just don't want to do that with newborn that be crazy for me lol..
  • @jules treats work wonders lol give her a treat sing a song I use pee pee in the bathroom pee pee in the bathroom (your baby name) no more pee pee on pants!!!!!! Lmaooo I use to tell her to call daddy or grandma and tell them she did potty also take a pic on her undies and give one to daddy like in front of her here shes a big girl right?

    Also take her undies shopping and let her chose her big girl underwear don't forget to mention BIG GIRL undies
  • I think in few months she be ready for that right now I dont think she care or notice big girl undies lol... we did buy her potty she loves it but I put it away cause I didn't want her to think its just a toy ya know. I tries showing her u sit on there she was more interested in playing :)
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