Double Jogger?!

edited August 2013 in Equipment & Supplies
K so I have a nice jogger now for my daughter but I will need a double for once this baby gets here. I been keeping my eye out on them for some time now however I would like some personal opitions from u guys. I would like one that has small dimensions nothing too big since im small and we go hiking a lot so want to fit well on trails and hopefully not take too much room especially when were traveling with bunch other stuff :)..


  • If I had the money I will go for the $500city mini double or the $300 valco snap duo or britax b ready double $300 ..... now my mil bought me the kinderwagon wich its a double unbrella stroller weights 20 pounds and is stadium style
  • I have the city mini double love it but dk if its a jogger lol ?
  • edited August 2013
    @2girls_2boys I looked at the city mini yesterday it was actually heavy compared to some others plus I dont feel like spending a lot money this time around especially since our first will already be two not sure how much use she get out of it and it collapsed weird lol.
    @mrz_jackson ya there are jogger versions of it but the once that only have one wheel in front are a lot easier to control especially since I usually use it long distance running in morning. It be fine when we go walking in city like they say but I didn't like the feel of all those wheels in front ya know well at least not while running. Plus although the jogger one says all terrains soo not true there are better wheels out there for a lot cheaper. Its good for city thats for sure but will get beat up the way we use it lol. Its very nice stroller though!
  • Still I gave you 3 options more I know for sure the valco its really lightweight 20 pounds and has GREAT handling !
  • edited August 2013
    @2girls_2boys oh sorry I thought I typed that I was gonna look at the others for sure thank you :)
  • We have the Baby Trend Navigator, can't give you my opinion since we haven't.used it yet though.
  • I have a tip for that I wish I would've thought before buying my sit n stand double stroller- make sure it will fit it your car!! Idk what kind of vehicle u have, I have a Dodge neon and it will not fit in my trunk. It barely fits I'm my back seat with no caraeats, definitely wont fit with the two carseats I have back there. I can't take it anywhere :(
  • edited August 2013
    I have the city mini single jogging stroller now and love it. I'm thinking about getting their double. I was looking at a lot of joggers and their all really wide and bulky. The city mini doesn't look as wide. Looks good enough to walk through isles at the store.
  • @excitedforoctober thank u ive actually checked that one out at the store yesterday on my list for sure it navigated well just wish it folded differently... but I'm keeping it on my lost for sure!
    @adriens_mommy ya we were thinking that one I still really like it but hubby haf good point that I use my jogger all the time since im runner plus were always going to Yosemite since its only an hr away so guess his right lol. Im not worried about stroller not fitting in ny car since my hubby just bought me new one :) but I still want if to collapse well since we do travel it be nice to take up least space as possible!
  • edited August 2013
    @monkey_girl yes some joggers r very wide thats why im trying to shop now and do my research on them ive actually found few good options thay have better dimensions then the city mini surprisingly..
  • Let me know which ones, so I can check them out. If I can find something better and cheaper, I'll def go with that.
  • @adriens_mommy good tip lol I forgot that and that's exactly why my mil boughte the kinderwagon it collapses like a regular umbrella stroller but for 2 kids ! And fits on hb car Dodge neon srt4!
  • I nott a fan of baby trend. I can say make sure it fits through doors unless u are planning on using it strictly outsise
  • @monkey_girl ill let u know for sure ive found some online ive looked at babiesrus, target, now im looking into amazon.
    @candy101 why no baby trend? They r usually pretty light weight from what ive seen at least.
  • @monkey_girl ok so I think I found good option for me at least. Its on Amazon schwinn turismo swivel double jogger. It has all im looking for the handle goes up and down which we love since im short I like it lower and my hubby is average hight and likes it high. It has the ability to look the front wheel right where the handles are. The wheels all come off which I love my jogger now does that its great if u need sone extra room in the trunk. Cup holders for everyone nice little extra. Storage is good. Has little peek a boo window just like my jogger now which I use all the time and the sun shades move independently. And for those with smaller car would be good there was costumer who fit it in her honda civic without having to take the wheels off. I have bigger car but still good to know it calapses so well bc my single jogger wouldn't fit into my chevy cobal without the wheels being off so this things gets flatter then that! And it's only $220 .
  • edited August 2013
    In my area I joined a group on Facebook. Called one mans junk found a used jogging stroller for $65
  • @stephforever89 thats great! Ya im glad I'm finding some great options for great price I don't see the need to spend too much since this is probably our last baby and we bought jogger before. Plus most likely I'll just be passing it on anyways once we don't need it anymore.
  • I had a jogger that broke in three days, and a double that rocked side to side. I returned them of course and stayed away from the brand after that. I have a baby trend infant carrier my son used and we r using with my daughter they both scream/ed like someone is killing them. As soon as my son hit twenty pounds I but him in a rear facing convertible and he was happy. Luckily he was pretty much off the charts size wise so I packed it away around four months.
  • @candy101 Thats soo weird I've had my baby trend it was one the pricier once for 20 months now and we use ours running, going on walks, daily I either run or walk everyday. And we take it hiking mostly in Yosemite every other week and we take it with us when travel or to the mall or whatever. Ive never had problem mine still looks like new. Its a travel system we bought came with car seat and base that we will be using for this baby girl as well just gonna buy double jogger since I am a runner.
  • @perly ya that good one ive seen it on amazon and target.
  • It looks like everything you're looking for and for a good price too.
  • @perly yes for sure im right now deciding between that one and the schiwinn turismo which ever one has better dimension ill probably go with cause I want it to fold well which they both do but the second one all the wheels come off for extra space if needed so ill have to see if the first one does that :)
  • The one i showed you says that the stroller comes with a quick wheel release that makes it real easy to take the wheels off.
  • @perly ya they r very much alike! The other one has smaller dimensions..However this one is cheaper and collapses well so dimension might not be that big of deal. :)
  • I don't know about you but the one i found has me sold lol. And i don't need a double lol.
  • @perly lol im sold on them both I wish I knew people who had them from experience my preggo mind can't decide. Which is ok I have time :)
  • Aww, but yes you're right. You have time :)
    Good luck.
  • @perly thank you for the help!.im sure ill let u know once u decide lol I'll buy it probably in October since baby is due on December 5th but I'll probably b little early is what my doc thinks since my water broke with Scarlett at 38 weeks 6 days. So I rather be ready with everything since ill have toddler to take care of at same time :)
  • Yes ma'am. Its always better to be ready ahead of time.
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