Why do other pregnancy apps suck

I love pregly. I used it religiously with my first pregnancy and still use the forum with this pregnancy. However, I have an iPhone now and the pregly app isn't an iPhone app. I think they seriously need to make a pregly iPhone app ASAP!!!!!!!! All the other pregnancy tracker apps I've tried suck balls. It's so irritating!!!! Sorry I'm just annoyed and needed to vent.


  • I agree!!!!
  • I agree as well, the bump one really sucks and that forum is a waste of time!
  • When I was pregnant I used the what to expect app for the weekly baby information and pregly for the forum. I never looked at pregly's baby info because it wasn't as thorough.
  • I read all the pregnant baby info but the other forums suck or just the other apps in general suck. Maybe @martin can look into it?
  • edited September 2013
    I'm doing the same as @starrxoxo9, but I'm using both "What to Expect" and "Baby Center" for info, and both "Baby Center" and "Pregly" for the forums.
  • See I don't feel like I need the "info" because I read the what to expect book cover to cover with my first. I just want an app that has a count down, by weeks and days, and not a bunch of fluff. I don't want to explore other forums because I like this one.
  • Ohh I see.. I don't remember what the counter was like on WTE.. I always used the pregly one lol
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