My two year old is driving me

edited September 2013 in "Terrible Two's"
Crazy as hell!!!!! She is not listening to me for crap. She throws stuff on the floor and refuses to pick it up. She just does not listen at all!! I put her on time out and she keeps getting up. Like if she's testing me. I'm going insane. Plus I'm running on a few hours of sleep bc I'm weaning her and she cries all night. Plus I'm almost 15 weeks pregnant and I'm already fatigued as it is. Help!!!


  • I know most of us are going through this exact same thing, good news is your not alone! :X
    I have found that if I involve Madison, she is a lot more prone to do it. I try to involve her in everything I do if she would like to be involved. I'm also still learning to choose my battles, if i got onto her for everything little thing, we'd both be exhausted. 2 is a hard age, most know what they want but can't/won't let anyone else in on the secret. Madison gets very frustrated when she wants to do one thing and I do another (not knowing what she's wanting).
    I don't have too much figured out, the one thing I know for sure? Hubby always seems to go outside when she starts a bad mood and its making me not a happy camper...
  • You can't really expect a two year old to "listen" consistently. It's a tough age. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they don't. I don't think they're being defiant on purpose, they just sincerely don't understand what you want from them. They are learning so much about life and we have to remember that it can get overwhelming for them too. Try taking a step back and thinking if what she's doing is truly worth getting angry about. Be careful with time outs, too many time outs or getting put in time out for every little thing will have a negative effect on her behavior. I personally don't believe in time out, but that's just me.
  • @kimberly4411 that's a great idea! I should try to keep her involved in the things that I know she's capable I doing. I wouldn't be a happy camper either if my daughters dad was not an active participator when my toddler is having a moment
  • @starxoxo9 that's very true! I just don't want her to think she can do things even after being told no, and get away with it. What do u do when your toddler throws a fit and doesn't listen?
  • My daughter can definitely be defiant on purpose lol she'll look you straight in the eye and do what you told her not to. It if she's doing something she knows she isn't supposed to be doing, she'll keep looking over her shoulder to see if I'm watching.

    When Madison throws fits I be sure not to leave her alone, it's scarier for them than it is for us cause they truly cannot control it yet. I don't discipline cause she needs to be able to get everything out. I'll sit on the other side of the room and play with blocks until she wants to come over cause she needs help settling down. When I tell her to get down off the stool in the kitchen, and she doesn't listen, I set her on the floor and play in the living room, sometimes it takes 5 minutes of her crying in there but both she and I know I will always comfort.

    I'm 23 years old and throw crazy fits where I won't be in a good mood for days (I've done this since I can remember) so I don't expect too much from Madison.

    As far as keeping her involved, let her decide what she wants to eat, choose two options you are ok with and hold them in front of her. I tried one thing at a time with Madison and she never settled on anything!
    I have found if I say "help me" she comes running :)

    Every child is different and the 2's are hard! I look forward to 7:30pm everyday lol
  • @kimberly4411 I really like what u said! Givin them a choice is a great idea! My daughter does the exact same thing when she's doing something she's not supposed to be doing and will also look me directly in the eyes. I think im expecting too much from her. It has been a while since I dealt with a toddler. My girls are 7 years apart. Does she give u a hard time at bed time?
  • I'm sure it would be harder having a 9 yr old cause you're constantly thinking the 9 yr old never did this lol
    She does great at bedtime, we have a really good routine and now that she's in a full size bed she'll sit in there and play (she won't or hasn't gotten off of her bed yet, we have a camera so we can watch lol). If I feel she's playing with her animals too long I'll tell her to lie down over the camera and if she's really struggling to sleep I'll go in and snuggle. Once again, I'm not expecting much, I haven't been able to sleep the past week so I know she'll have her periods of needing help.
    I don't think I'm expecting enough from Madison, this evening she wanted to play with the blocks, I was busy so Itold her if she picked up I'd get them, all by herself she put the books away and a couple other things. I was shocked!! So I tried it again before bath, I asked if she wanted to take a bath and told her she had to clean up the blocks, no joke were are like 30 of them throughout the living room and she picked up every last one of them, little stinker
  • Kids are so funny!!! Amiyah will only clean up her mess when it's convenient for her. Not when I ask her anyways. That's great that Madison is sleeping in her own bed! Some kids have a hard time with that. My oldest daughter didn't sleep in her own bed until I got pregnant with my toddler. Even my with my toddlers dad and it was a nightmare bc is three on a queen bed wasn't cutting it for us. Yeah I don't remember having so much trouble with my oldest..but like I said that was a long time ago. Idk how I did it at 18 and 19
  • I just try to stay calm and divert her attention to something else. If I think she'll understand then I'll try explaining what the problem is but usually I just try to move on. Sometimes I have to physically stop her fron what she's doing (like climbing on the table or pulling at the window shades). She really isn't defiant though, once I say no or move her she stops and finds something else to do.
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