He finally slept through the night! Yay!

edited October 2013 in Sleep
Well not fully. My mom woke us up around 3 o'clock before she left for work because I had him on my chest and I guess she thought I would roll over on him. So he woke up a little bit and I put him right back to sleep after I changed his diaper and fed him and laid him next to me. He now sleeps in the bed with me since he now hates his PnP. He slept almost 3 more hours and woke up around 6:30AM. I fed him and fell back to sleep around 7AM. He's still sleep. If I take away the few minutes from my mom waking us up. He sleep a total of 5 to 6 hours.

Now I didn't get much sleep, as I thought I would roll over on him but once I did get my hour and a half of sleep I felt better and I now know I won't roll over on him. It's getting better.


  • Yay! Have you been trying the schedule feeding?
  • That's great!
  • @Wilsomom I have tried it but I tend to get off track a lot as I think he is going through the growth spurt and wants the boob all the time. I have been giving him a paci but that seems to put him asleep for a while and then he's up for a diaper change and boob.

    I have been trying to keep him but I think the growth spurt is getting in the way.
  • Yeah, I think growth spurts are when you have to kind of wing it lol. Sounds like you're doing everything great, you're a good mommy!
  • Thank you @Wilsomom. You guys have been a lot of help too.
  • That's great! :)
  • Before having my first, I always said I n wouldnt co-sleep. But my daughter was born early and her equilibrium was sensitive and sleeping on me was the only way I could get her to sleep. I didn't sleep well because of it, but I was able to get some sleep. I was doing what I had to do for both of us. She slept with me for three months before I was able to get her to sleep in her bassinet. And it was not from lack of trying - there were nights I stayed uo until 4:30 trying to get her to sleep by herself.
    Now I am pregnant with #2 and have anxiety about going through that again. I saw at the store there are co-sleeping bassinets. You put it in bed with you. It allows the baby to be close to you while giving you peace of mind. I am really praying I dont have the same issues with baby #2, but if I do, I am definitely giving this a try.
  • Just follow your instinct. If you feel like co-sleeping is working for you, definitely do it. Obviously allow the way, start teaching the baby to kinda fall asleep on his own and so on so that when you transition him back to his PnP, it'll be easier for both. But for now, just focus on you and him :)
  • I am still going to try to get him used to sleeping by himself in his pack n play. The funny thing is the first two nights he was at home he slept good in the pack in play and then I don't know what happened he is just not feeling the pack n play anymore. I will be working that.
  • He will get the hang of it. It's good that you keep trying I think. I never had my daughter in my bed she was in our room in the bassinet which I could put close to the bed have the same hight but she's light sleeper like me so every like noise or turn we made would wake her so it was in the same room so I don't remember when but early on we put her in her crib in her room it only took one night and she was able to fall asleep on her own and sleep through the night. That's what worked for us. So if you have plan and know what you see working for you than don't give up it will happen!
  • @jules: This LO is a semi heavy sleeper. I'm gonna buy a new mattress for his pack N play that resembles my mattress and see if he'll start sleeping in it again. He loves his cosleep that's at SO's house and that mattress resembles my mattress. I really don't like him sleeping with me, but for now it'll do until we get a new PNP mattress.
  • Hope that works!
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