Manual Pumps

edited October 2013 in Breastfeeding
I need a manual pump for travel and I don't think my electric pump is as efficient as it used to be. What manual/hand pumps would you recommend?


  • I used the models hand pump I didn't really like the hand pump just because my hand got tired and when I would use the pump it was middle of the night so my husband could feed the baby. Thehhospital gave me it. But I did like it better then electric I had at first the suction on the hand pump was really good
  • I has a medela and loved it. Worked better then my electric
  • edited October 2013
    @debs & @MorgDeeBee: A lot of people are saying they like hand pumps better because you can control the suction and pump more than an electric. I do like my electric pump but I'm just not getting enough out like I should. It takes me almost a whole day to get 4oz. The doctor said if I'm going to do bottle (and breast) then he needs to be at 2.5oz to 3oz per feeding.

    I have the Medela electric pump. I'm gonna try the Medela hand pump. Is there any other recommendations?
  • Avent I had one with my other 3babies and it was great it has that cushion that don't hurt your nipple! ! This time I have an electric breast pump I got free from my insurance but If I havecto spend the money I'll buy the avent manual
  • Well I have the Mandela double electronic pump that's what I used with my first and will use with this baby and since I had supply issues I got the medela hand pump see if it was any better. For me personally it wasn't better at all and didn't do anything to my supply so never used it again..I was like you took me an entire day to get 4oz very frustrating. I just did what I could and gave her what I had then 6 months just stopped it was just too frustrating. Plus by then she was mostly I formula and for how much time I was spending and money for things help the supply wasn't worth the stress.
  • @2girls_2boys: I have been hearibg bad things about the Avent pumps.

    @jules: Yes it is very frustrating. I hope the manual pumps works our better for me. If not I might have to supplement.
  • I bought the my first years electric pump and i literally pumped up to 6oz out of one breast. Of course, it took me like an hour but that pump worked well for me. However my son wasn't interested in the breast and its was a hustle feeding him on a schedule and trying to pump on a schedule too so my milk eventually dried up.
  • I hope you find something that works!
  • @perly: I had looked at the First Years pumps, manual and electric, online. So far good reviews.

    @jules: Me too.
  • The medela and lansinoh didn't work for me avent was the only one that worked and it has that nice cushion!
  • @2girls_2boys: I have heard bad things about Avent.
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