Blessed with a healthy baby

edited October 2013 in Birth Stories
I was due November 16th with my son. My BP were getting high I went in last Sunday and they admitted me. Monday my doctor said we need to induce before it got bad. I was scared since I was only 36 weeks but he reassured me it was for the best for baby and I. I got cytotec inserted in me and nothing got it again 4 hrs later and nothing. Finally they started my pitotcin at 5pm monday and monday at 11pm I was 1 dilated 50 effaced. My contractions finally started getting intense I asked for the epidural. Ahhhh I felt better then. They were watching my BP. It couldnt reach 160/110 or my doc was gonna put me on magnesium and he said that wouldn't make me feel good :( my bp was staying around 157/95. Come tuesday around 11am. I was at 2 and 90 effaced. He broke my water. My doctor came in again at 2 and checked me and still the same. Thats when he said hes going to give me a chance to see what happens but needed to put something inside I dont remember to check how strong my contractions were. During this time babys heartrate was dropping off n on. He told me nxt step is throw in the towel and csection. I was getting very scared. He came in at 4pm. I was at 4 and 100 effaced. At 445 I felt pressure and knew it was time. Doctor came in told me to do one push and said stop! Babies head was right there. They rushed to get all doctors n nurses in. I started to push at 454. I remember looking at the time and at 4 58 pm, 3 pushes later. I gave birth to a 5lbs 3 ounces baby boy. And very blessed he was absolutely healthy. After all the scares and 30 hrs of labor. It was all worth it and I would do it all over it again. We had to stay a extra day just to make sure his sugars n temps stayed normal since hes considered a preemie. We came on friday and im so happy to behome and my almost 2 year old loves her new baby brother. Sorry for the long story.


  • Congratulations! Glad you didn't have to end up with section and you and baby are home and healthy! Hope your getting some rest and have good recovery :)
  • Don't be sorry for the length of your birth story! I'm glad everything went great and the dr gave you time to try and have him vaginally. Definitely sounds like it was a stressful labor, but hey, at least he can have Halloween themed parties!
    I'm so worried on how my 2 yr old will act after her brother comes in December =(( I've stayed at home with her basically her whole life now it's going to change
  • Thank you! Hes a good baby so far. Hardly cries. However im trying to catch up on rest. The 5 nights I was there I totaled 7 hrs of sleep. I can never sleep in hospitals. Lol
  • @kimberly4411 yes excited for Halloween bdays for sure! And I felt the same with my daughter. I haven't left her at all. My 2 fears was her being away from during my stay and bringing my son home. Turned out it was the opposite. She did great while I was gone and she loves her little brother. Hasnt made a difference in her yet. Im sure your daughter will be A okay :) but trust me I understand the fears.
  • edited October 2013
    Thanks! It does give me hope even though all kids are different. I couldn't imagine being 36 weeks, going to the hospital with high bp then coming home with a baby!! Even though I think this one is in there until 40 weeks I'm getting ready and keep telling hubby 1 month and they won't stop labor lol (I'll be 36 weeks)
    We're you having bp problems before or did it appear out of nowhere? I swear I'm freaking out with this child more than my last. I just don't want to be gone from my daughter too long
  • Yay, that's wonderful that you didn't have to get a c section! It's good thing your dr. was patient. And he's soooooo cute!!! Don't worry about the length..we all LOVE hearing birth stories. :)
  • Congrats! He is beautiful :)
  • @kimberly4411 I was the exact same way. She was brought up there on monday and tuesday for a bit. I had baby Tuesday. But Wednesday,Thursday she was with me and my husband all day. My stay was 5 days so no way I was gonna go that long. And no BP issues before just started slowly escalating with this pregnancy. It is still elevated but not by much as im on BP meds right now. Doctor wants to see me in 2 weeks to check it to make sure I dont go extremely low while my body is going back. I never realized how high BP can mess with placenta and baby. My placenta he said was very small and old looking. Which means it was gonna give out soon. I feel so blessed cause I know some cases hv different turn outs. Im looking at things so different now. I looked at my son in joys of tears thanking him for hanging on. Aww im tearing up. It was scary but I had my closet people and my doctor was wonderful always has been.

    @wilsomom I know about the csection. And thank you hes a sweetheart already :)
  • What a blessing congratulation he's is so cute how's big sister coping with him? Babyboys are very attached but Iits the best
  • @2lilblessings sister is doing really well. I was worried because she's been center of attention for almost 2 yrs. But shes always curious about baby so far and tried helping me tonight with changing his diaper. I really want her involved as much as possible. :)
  • Congratulations. He's a handsome little man.
  • Congrats, he very adorable!
  • congratulations
  • @veevee @nancyb @mylove2. Thank you. Im so in love :)
  • Congratulations! ! Hes adorable!!
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