Sleep Training my 4mo old...questions

edited October 2013 in Sleep
So for the past 2 months or so my 4mo old has slept in his rock and play rocker, its time to transition him to his crib and I know its not going to be easy. His pediatrician suggested the CIO method, I was just wondering if anyone was successful with it with a baby this age...


  • I wouldn't suggest it at 4 months.
  • @fate I just now finished rocking him to sleep in the rock n play and once asleep I transitioned him to his crib, not ideal as I want him to put himself to sleep but I guess its a start, now to see how long he lasts asleep in there.
  • I don't have any experience with that. But i hope you find a way.
    What is your routine now?
  • @perly massage, get dressed for bed, bottle, then in his rock n play he went. That was a mistake sleeping him in it, he got cold at about 2mo and I put him in it to sleep since its on an incline and helped with congestion. But I kept at it because it was so convenient to have him right next to my bed and if he started waking up I.could just reach over and rock him. Bad choice!
  • Don't say that. Yeah, it will be a little harder to transition now but remember that as parents we do what needs to be done to make sure our babies are as healthy as possible. Like you said, it helped with his congestion so it wasn't really a mistake. You're doing just fine.

    I totally understand you though. Adrian has been going through this sleep regression and he's back in my bed. If it were only the sleep regression, then I would just put him back to bed every time he woke up but aside from that he's acid reflux has gotten worse and it keeps him up so its gotten harder to teach him to sleep through the night again. Since he needs me so much every time he wakes up, its just easier to have him in my bed. I know this is just making things harder for me but this is what comforts him and I rather keep him happy even if I have to suffer later.
  • @perly thanks :)...if I didn't have my 2 yr old in bed with me I would probably put him in bed with me too. See I thought my LO was also going through his sleep regression last week as well because he went to waking once to waking like 3x. But Saturday he got his 4mo shots and after he he has gone to waking once so I am not so sure anymore, although I am up right now earlier than usual feeding him, its not so easy to let him CIO when my 2yr olds bed is in the same room :(
  • My little guy is just now self soothing to go to sleep. He's 15 months and talks himself to sleep. I had to rock him before now. Which I didn't mind doing because he's so cuddly. Lol. How'd it go last night? Did he sleep ok besides feeding time?
  • I personally don't agree with cio...especially with a baby that young. No matter what you do, you have to be consistent. I'm struggling to get my 2 yr old to go to sleep on his own. I did end up letting him cry for a couple mins last night because I had to tend to my 5 yr old. After crying and me going in there twice, he finally went to sleep on his own. My advice would be to go in when baby cries, but just pat his back or butt until he falls back to sleep. I rocked my 5 yr old to sleep every night until he was 2, then just magically started going to sleep without me doing it. It takes time no matter which route you take. I'm learning that now
  • I agree with @sands3. People (mostly my family) say that my baby, my 5 month old baby is spoiled because i don't let him cry. They say that i don't have to run to him every time he cries. I don't necessarily run to him every time he cries, but then again my baby is a very happy baby so when he cries i know its for a reason.

    I think that CIO is not the answer just yet. That's just my opinion though.
  • @fate not really, he now went back to waking up 2-3 x instead of once, he was such a great sleeper and now this. Its so frustrating.
  • I hope he goes back to his regular schedule. I know it must be hard friend. I'll be in your shoes soon and I'm so scared.
  • I personally dont agree with the CIO method specially that young. Im not sure what to do though? Maybe rock him then put him in the crib?
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