Funny Article

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Panicked Newborn Didn’t Realize Breathing Would Be On Apgar Test

NEWS IN BRIEF • Local • Children • ISSUE 49•43 • Oct 24, 2013GORHAM, ME—Shortly after his delivery Thursday at Mercy Gorham Crossing Primary Hospital, a local newborn reportedly panicked upon realizing that his respiratory aptitude would be scored as part of the upcoming Apgar test. “Woah, woah, woah—I knew reflexes and skin tone would be on this thing, but breathing? No one said anything about that,” the visibly anxious infant said of the standardized test administered by physicians immediately after birth. “I can’t believe I’m going to nail the grimace section and fº☆♣◇ing fail breathing. I would have stayed in there longer and prepared had I known. I hate tests. I really do.” At press time, the newborn had broken down crying during the Apgar, passing it with flying colors.,34333/


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